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NISD Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Matthew Denman

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Presentation on theme: "NISD Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Matthew Denman"— Presentation transcript:

1 NISD Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Matthew Denman
Wednesday, June 20: 4:00pm – 5:30pm Marriott Philadelphia Downtown Hotel Room Location: Salon G

2 Division/TG Mission

3 Division/TG Leadership
Officers/Executive Committee Current Officers (mark Young Members with YM) Virginia Cleary-Ivanoff (Chair) Matt Denman (Vice Chair)YM Kevin Carroll (Secretary / Treasurer) Martin B. Sattison (Immediate Past Chair) BOD Liaison Carol L. Berrigan Standards Liaison No official liaison but NISD has heavy standards involvement with the JCNRM and many advanced reactor design Other key personnel Phillip G. Ellison Nicholas Brown Bob Budnitz Zachary Jankovsky (PC Secretary) YM

4 Division Membership Trend

5 Demographics

6 Expenditures/Revenues

7 Technical Meetings Last Year This Year Name of Topical
PSA 2017 Applicability of Radiation-Response Models to Low Dose Protection Standards Class/Co-sponsor 1 1/Health Physics Society # of half-day sessions Seven (7) Six (6) Registration (Planned/Actual) (Planned) / 220 (Actual) 135 (Planned)/ August 2018 Net revenue (Planned/Actual) $36k (Planned)/$60k (Actual) $33k (Planned)/August 2018 Last Year This Year Sessions Sponsored at National Meetings* 7 (Annual) 8 (Winter) 6 (Annual)

8 Contributions to Society*
Standards All Joint Committee for Nuclear Risk Management Standards (JCNRM) Policy and Position Statements 24, Nuclear Facility Safety Standards 51, Reactor Safety Students and Young Members Continued financial support of the ANS student conference including providing judges and division awards Strong record for encouraging YM in the PC and EC Communication Website – last updated in spring of 2018 Non-technical publications Newsletters typically yearly but publication has dropped off in recent years Nuclear Installations Safety Division (NISD) is the responsible division for Position Statement 24, Nuclear Facility Safety Standards ( ) and 51, Reactor Safety ( ).  Position Statement 24 was last revised in 2006, and the message to the public and/or policy makers is not clear.  Position Statement 51 similarly struggles to convey a clear message to the key audiences (it is essentially a bullet list of what’s important, and it is largely redundant to PS24).  The background statement for PS51 adds little and is mostly a restatement of the position statement.  These two position statements need attention.

9 Performance against Goals
Status Communication: Update the website Exceeded! Service to the society Met Membership In Progress Goal Membership In Progress Service to the society Met Grand Challenges Exceeded! Typical Goal categories: Meetings/Membership/Service to Society/ Governance/Finance/Communication * Aligned with Society Strategic Plan?

10 Summary NISD health is fine but could be better Future focus:
NISD is in an a good position with its topical meetings and budget New enthusiastic NISD general and committee members are needed to ensure continue execution Future focus: Recruiting membership Grand Challenge integration Execution on topical meetings

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