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Action Query Exercises

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1 Action Query Exercises
Chapter 9

2 Use Northwinds.mdb

3 1. Update Query Products and Categories Tables
Look for products in the category “condiments” Increase the present price by 6% Spring 2005 PgP MIS 342 Exercises

4 1. Update Query Good practice to do a select query first and make sure you have selected the correct records to update. Should have 12 records Spring 2005 PgP MIS 342 Exercises

5 Update Query-Design View
Spring 2005 PgP MIS 342 Exercises

6 1. Other Criteria-from Help
Expression Result "Salesperson" Changes value to Salesperson #8/10/96# Changes date values to 10-Aug-96 Yes Changes No values in a Yes/No field to Yes "PN"&[PartNumber] Adds PN to the beginning of each specified part number [UnitPrice]*[Quantity] Calculates the product of UnitPrice and Quantity Spring 2005 PgP MIS 342 Exercises

7 1. Other Criteria-from Help
Expression Result [Freight]*1.5 Increases freight charges by 50 percent DSum("[Quantity]*[UnitPrice]", "Order Details","[ProductID]=" & [ProductID]) Where the Product IDs in the current table match the Product IDs in the Order Details table, updates sales totals based on the product of Quantity and UnitPrice Right([ShipPostalCode],5) Truncates the leftmost characters in a field, leaving the five rightmost characters 1. Other Criteria-from Help Spring 2005 PgP MIS 342 Exercises

8 2. Delete Query Order Details Table Criteria- discount of 25%
Delete any order with this discount rate Note-watch out for the discount field format! Spring 2005 PgP MIS 342 Exercises

9 3. Make Table Query Orders Table
Criteria- orders that have not shipped Make a new table with only these orders in it Include all fields in this new table Name table ‘tblUnshippedOrdersAsOfToday’ Spring 2005 PgP MIS 342 Exercises

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