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The highlights at BES-I, II, III
Zhi-yong Wang For BESIII Collaboration Dec., 20, 2016 Academia, Sinica, Taibei
(Beijing Electron Positron Collider)
BEPC sketch 202m Storage ring (240m) west south Test beam linac BESIII
Synchrotron radiation west south
Outline History (Construction, upgrade) Physics program Summay
Light Hadron Charmonium (like-charmonium) Charm QCD New Physics Summay
BES (BEijing Spectroscpy) history (I)
Start to construct at 1984 (called BES-I later) first collision at 1988 Data collection from 1991 -scan 9M J/ 3.7M (2S) 22.3pb-1 at Ecm=4.03 GeV for Ds study. BES-I highlights mass measurement (Natural science award, state-level, second-order) Charmonium study (same as before) fDs measurement (Natural science award, municipal-level, second-order)
BES history (II) First upgrade in 1995, the performance of TOF was improved a lot. BESIBESII Data collection 58M J/ 14M (2S) R-scan at 2-5 GeV (3770) scan & data taking BESII highlight X(1835) threshold enhancement (Natural science award, state-level, second-order ) R value measurement (same as before) (3770) non-DD decay (same as before) Charmonium study (Natural science award, municipal-level, second-order)
BES history (III) 2004, second upgrade, BESIIBESIII. Meanwhile, BEPCIBEPCII. BESIII is an entirely new detector, the performance of each sub-detector is much better than BESII The luminosity of BEPCII is 100 times larger than before.
BESIII physics program
-charm charm -QCD Charmonium (-like) New physics Light hadron
Physics program I: Light hadron
Glueball search (J/ radiative decay)
0+ 2+ 0- J/ψ→γPP J/ψ→γVV J/ψ→γPPP Coupled channel analysis needed J//00/ (PRD92 (2015) , PRD87, (2013),092009) (PP mode) J///, (PRD87, (2013), , PRD93, (2015),112011) (VV mode) J/KSKS (PRL115, ) (PPP mode)
Search and study excited baryon
Issue of Missing Baryons: Quark models predict many more baryons than what have been observed
Published paper on baryon spectrum
J/pp0/, PRL110, , (2013) J/pK, PRD88, , (2013) (3686), cJ pK, PRD87, , (2013) (3686), PRD88, , (2013)
Light meson decay:test some theoretical models
Unique place to test fundamental symmetries in QCD at low energy region Probe physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) , E.g. η/η’ →2γ chiral anomaly η/η’ →π+π-π quark masses η’→γπ+π box anomaly η/η’ →ππ CP violation η/η’ → μ+μ-π0 ,e+e-π0 C violation η/η’ → μ e LF violation
Published (submitted) paper on light meson study
4, PRL112, (2014) e+e, PRD92, (2015) e+e, PRD92, (2015) +0, PRD92, (2015) 3, arXiv:1606:03847 a0(980)f0(980) mixing, PRD83, (2011)
Physics program II: Charmonium (-like)
Charmonium spectrum
(2S) samples in the world
(2S)0hc transition (inclusive mode)
BESIII: PRL 104, (2010) Mass: 0.130.18 MeV Width: 0.730.450.28 MeV (< % C.L.) Top: (2S)0hc , hcc, canything (E1-photon-tagged) Bottom: (2S)0hc , hcanything BESIII BESIII Combined inclusive and E1-photon-tagged spectrum (First measurements) B[y(2S)p0hc] = [ 8.4±1.3(stat.) ±1.0(syst.)]×10-4 B(hcghc) = [54.3±6.7(stat.) ±5.2(syst.)] % Agree with predictions of Kuang, Godfrey, Dudek, et al.
(2S)0hc ,hcc,c16 exclusive channels
PRD86, (2012) BESIII 16 modes, 832 events Mass: 0.110.15 MeV Width: 0.700.280.25 MeV CLEOc: PRL101, (2008) Mass: 0.190.12 MeV Width: fixed to 0.9 MeV The measured mass and width are very consistent with those from inclusive mode
New hc decay modes PRL116, (2016) B(hc’) = (1.520.270.29)‰ B(hc) = (0.470.150.14)‰ R= B(hc) / B(hc’) = (30.711.38.7)% First observation of hc radiative decays to light hadron! Data can be used to determine -’ mixing angle —— any help to understand J/ and ’ decay puzzles?
c parameter measurement via (2S)c
BESIII:PRL108, (2012) KsKp K+K-p0 p+p-h KsK3p 2K2pp0 6p Mass = ±0.6±0.6 MeV/c2 Width = 32.0±1.2±1.0 MeV First observation of the interference between c resonance and non-resonance.
First observation of E1 transition: (2S)c
Significance > 10s ! BESIII: PRL109, (2012) With the measured Br(KK) from Belle Collaboration, we measured Br(y’ghc)=(6.8±1.1±4.5) ×10-4 (theoretical prediction: ( )10-4 )
Study on XYZ states ? We focus on XYZ since 2011! What are they ?
Charmonium? Hybrid? Tetraquark? Molecule? … Z(4430) Z(4250) Z(4050) ? X(3872) XYZ(3940) X(3915) X(4160) Y(4008) Y(4140) Y(4260) Y(4360) X(4350) Y(4660) Godfrey & Isgur, PRD32, 189 (1985) We focus on XYZ since 2011!
Charmnonium spectrum We focus on XYZ since 2011
Below the open charm threshold the spectrums well understood very good agreement between predicted and discovered states Above the threshold the situation in more complex only few of the predicted states have been found in the last decades many new states have been observed with properties that are not consistent with expectations for charmonium: X, Y, Z X states: charmonium-like states with JPC ≠ 1−− Observed in B decays, pp and pp collisions Y states: charmonium-like states with JPC = 1−− Observed in direct e + e - annihilation or in ISR Z states: Must contain at least a cc and a light qq pair We focus on XYZ since 2011
Data samples for XYZ study (>9/fb)
4180 4600 4230 4420 4260 4010 4360 4470 4530 4210 4310 3810 3900 4090 4220 4245 4390 For the XYZ states study, from the end of 2012, BESIII has accumulated about 3.3 inverse fb data at 14 energy points. Around psi(4040), Y(4260), and Y(4360) peaks, we collected the largest data sample in the world so far for the study of its decays, and data samples with small statistics at another 10 energy points are collected for the line-shape study of these vector states. 4420 4575 4190
The Zc states
First observation of Zc(3900)
BESIII announced the observation of Zc(3900) in Mar., 26, 2013, which contains at least 4-quarks, and was confirmed by Belle and CLEO-c Collaboration soon。 Comments : 《Nature》: open a new door to world。 《Physical Review Letters》:implies an existence of tera-quark state Top 1 in the 11 great results selected by American Physics magazine. recorded by PDG2014,the only and one new particle founded in China!
Comparison of obsered Zc(3900)
CLEO-c M = 3.64.9 MeV = 461020 MeV 307 48 events Significance >8 M = 6.64.5 MeV = 632426 MeV 159 49 events Significance >5.2 M = 388551 MeV = 34124 MeV 81 20 events Significance >6.1 PRL110, PRL110, PLB, 727(2013) 366
The neutral isospin partner: Zc(3900)0
PRL 115, (2015) A structure on 0 J/ψ invariant mass spectrum observed: Mass = ±2.3±2.7 MeV Width = 29.6±8.2±8.2 MeV Significance = 10.4 s GeV (PLB 727, 366) 3.7!
Observation of Zc(3885)±(0) in 𝐞 + 𝐞 − → 𝛑 ±(𝟎) (𝐃 𝐃 ∗ ) ∓(𝟎)
PRL 115, (2015) PRL 112, (2014)
Comparison: Zc(3885)± and Zc(3900)±
Single D tag results, PRL 112, (2014) The mass and width are consistent within 2! Different dynamics in Y(4260)-Zc(3900) system!
Observation of Zc(4020)+(0) in ee(00) hc
BESIII: PRL111, Fit results Charged Zc(4020)± Mass=(4022.9±0.8±2.7) MeV Width=(7.9±2.7±2.6) MeV Significance: >8.9s Neutral Zc(4020)0 Mass=(4023.9±2.2±3.8) MeV Width: fixed to charged partner Significance: 5s PRL (2014)
Observation of e+e (0)Zc(4025)+(0) (0)D*D*
RM(0) (GeV/c2) PRL (2014) PRL (2015) if Zc(4025)± is the Zc(4020)±observed in the π±hc spectrum:
Summary Zc states at BESIII
e+e + (D*D*) e+e 0(D*D*)0
Zs search:observation of
Y(2175)in J/ Y(2175) was observed by Babar and confirmed by BESII, Belle and Babar. What is Y(2175)’s nature? A strange analogy to Y(4260)? Phys.Rev. D91 (2015), Study of Y(2175) with high statistics is necessary Using 225 million of J/ψ, The production branching fraction is measured Resonance parameters consist with previous experiments
Zs search:e+e ZS ? ZcJ/ Zb(nS) EPJC 72,2008(2012)
The X states
What is the X(3872) (the first observed X state)?
Belle, 2003 140/fb Mass: Very close to D0D*0 threshold Width: Very narrow, < 1.2 MeV JPC=1++ Production in pp/pp collison – rate similar to charmonia In B decays – KX similar to cc, K*X smaller than cc Y(4260)+X(3872) Decay BR: open charm ~ 50%, charmonium~O(%) Nature (very likely exotic) Loosely D0D*0 bound state (like deuteron?)? Mixture of excited c1 and D0D*0 bound state? Many other possibilities (if it is not ’c1, where is ’c1?) M(J/) –M(J/) [GeV] The X(3872) was first observed by Belle ten years ago, then confirmed by other experiments[CDF, D0 BaBar], its mass is very close to neutral DD* threshold and its width is very narrow. Since its observation, it has stimulated special interests on its nature. In both Belle and BaBar, its decay to gamma Jpsi has been observed, which supports it being a C-even state. The angular distribution study from CDF and most recently from LHCb determined it being a 1++ state. In the theoretical side, it was interpreted as a good candidate for a hadronic molecule or a tatrequark state. Currently, X(3872) was only observed in B decays, proton proton collision. Since its quantum number is determined to be 1++, it could be produced trough radiative transition of a vector charmonium or charmonium-like states, such as excited psi or Y states.
Observation of e+e X(3872)J/
PRL 112, (2014) N(X(3872)) = 20.1 M(X(3872)) = 0.70.2 MeV [PDG: 0.17 MeV] The pipijpsi mass distribution summed over all the energy points is fitted to extract the mass and signal yields of the X(3872). The X(3872) signal is described by a MC simulated signal shape convolving a Gaussian function which represents the difference between data and MC, while the background events are described by a linear function. The mass resolution difference between data and MC simulation, the absolute mass and the cross section calibration are obtained using the ISR psip signal. The fit yields 20 X(3872) signal events with a mass consistent with the PDG value. The statistical significance of X(3872) is estimated to be 6.3 Gaussian standard deviation.
Evidence for the X(3823) at Belle
arXiv: (PRL111, (2013)) 711 fb-1 3.8σ B χc1γK The measured mass and width are consistent with the missing Ψ2(1D) state BESIII may search for it! M(χc1γ) (GeV/c2)
PRL 115, (2015) X(3823) significance: 6.2s, observation ! M=3821.7±1.3±0.7 MeV Width<16 90% C.L. X(3823) as the y(13D2) candidate
The Y states
Cross section of e+e +-J//hc
arXiv: arXiv: BESIII observed the production of pi+pi-h_c with the data samples at a few energy points. Here, hc is reconstructed with its E1 transition to eta_c, and eta_c is reconstructed with its 16 hadronic decay modes. From the plot we can see very clear eta_c signal in the invariant mass of the hadronic system, and very clear h_c signal at gamma and eta_c invariant mass. If we select only the events in the eta_c mass region, we get …
Observation of e+e- cJ
Fit with a single BW Mass = 4226±8±6 MeV Width = 39±12±2 MeV Significance > 9s e+e- c2: Agree with from (4415) with BR=(1.4±0.5)×10-3 (sol. I), or BR=(6±1)×10-3 (sol. II) Using the signal events observed, the Born cross section times the branching fraction of X(3872) decays into pipijpsi are calculated as listed in this table. For 4009 data and 4360 data, since the signals are not significant, upper limits on the production rates at 90% confidence level are set. The observation suggests that the X(3872) might be from the radiative transition of the Y(4260). Combining the cross section of electron positron goes to pi pi jpsi measured by BESIII and take the branching fraction of X(3872) decays to pi pi jpsi as 5 percent, the cross section ratio of Y(4260) decays into gamma X(3872) to Y(4260) decays into pipijpsi is about 11 percent, which is a relatively large transition ratio. Need data beyond 4.6 GeV to check structure in c1. c0 PRD93, (2016)
Physics program III: charm
Major goals charm meson: D0(+), Ds+
Leptonic and semileptonic decays: fD(s)+, fK(p)+(0), |Vcs(d)| Vcs(d)依赖于LQCD fDK(p)+(0)计算精度 Hadronic decays: Parameters of D0D0 mixing and CP violation Strong phase difference in D0 and D0: constrain g/f3 charm baryon: Lc+ Absolute branching fractions
Low background level, large BF, small systematic ucertainty
Data samples 2010 and 2011: 2.93 fb-1 data at GeV (3.6×CLEO-c) 2011: 482 pb-1 data GeV (aim to XYZ, the largest e+e- data at GeV, but Ds+ sample is not so competitive with the one from 600 pb-1 data at 4.17 GeV at CLEO-c) 2014: 567 pb-1 data at 4.6 GeV (the largest e+e- data at Lc+Lc- threshold) Pair GeV, D(s)0(+) or Lc+ K+ Single Tag π- D- π- y’’ e+ e- 2016: 3fb-1 data at 4.18 GeV D+ m+ v Double Tag Low background level, large BF, small systematic ucertainty
D+ decay constant & mixing matrix |Vcd|
e+e-y(3770)D+D- PRD89(2014)051104R D-K+p-p- D-Ksp- D-KsK- D-K+K-p- D-K+p-p-p0 D-p-p-p+ D-Ksp-p0 D-K+p-p-p-p+ D-Ksp-p-p+ B[D+m+n]=(3.710.190.06)×10-4 fD+=( MeV |Vcd|=0.22100.00580.0047 Most precise fD+ First measurement of|Vcd| via pure lepton channel
Comparisons of existing fD+, fDs+ and fD+:fDs+
High theoretical precision for fD+, fDs+, fD+:fDs(0.5%, 0.5%, 0.3%) is a huge challenge to experiment ~2 deviation for fD+, fDs+, fD+:fDs+ between prediction and experiment Experiments Femilab Lattice+MILC (2014) HPQCD (2012) Averaged Expected D fD+(MeV) 203.94.7 212.6 1.8s 208.33.4 0.8s fDs+(MeV) 256.94.4 249.0 1.7s 246.03.6 1.4s fD+:fDs+ 1.2600.036 1.1712 2.5s 1.1870.013 1.9s
D0D0mixing parameter: yCP
PLB 744(2015)339
BFs Measurement of Lc+ exclusive decay
ST: ~15000 DT: ~1000 PRL116(2016)052001
First absolute BF of Lc+ Ll+v
PRL115(2015)221805 Prediction: ( )% B[Lc+Le+n]=(3.630.380.20)% B[Lc+Lm+nm]=(3.490.460.26)% arXiv:
Program IV:-QCD
mass measurement Mτ / Mτ = 9.6 10–5
= 9.6 10–5 Lepton universality can be tested at 0.4% Phys. Rev. D90, (2014)
R value measurement defination: R value is an essential parameter
Experimentally: Nhad: Number of hadron Nbg: Number of background L: luminosity had: detection efficiency for hadron events : ISR factor Measurement precision:BESII 6~7% BESIII 3%
R is the input of (MZ2) and a
Burkhardt, Pietrzyk 2011 BEPC 3.6 BEPC 精度将提高 4 倍! (FNAL-989, 2015) aexp = ( ±6.3) ×10 –10 (E821) a SM = ( ±4.9) ×10 –10 G.S. Huang: 973 tau-QCD Davier 2010 BEPCII能区仍然是第二大误差来源!
R measurement at BESII R measurement at BESIII with more energy points is in progress
Measurement of excited charmonium
Resonance shapes Interference term Rres=RBW+Rint Phys.Lett.B660,315(2008) BESII , Lu An G.S. Huang: 973 tau-QCD
Proton form factor Phys. Rev. D 91, 112004 (2015) Analysis Features:
Radiative corrections from Phokhara8.0 (scan) Normalization to e+e- e+e-, e+e- γγ (BABAYAGA 3.5) Efficiencies 60% (2.23 GeV) % (~4 GeV) GE/GM ratio obtained for 3 c.m. energies Ecm/GeV Lint / pb-1 2.23 2.6 2.40 3.4 2.80 3.8 3.05, 3.06, 3.08 60.7 3.40, 3.50, 3.54, 3.56 23.3 3.60, 3.65, 3.67 63.0 , Lu An G.S. Huang: 973 tau-QCD
Measurement of Collins Effect
Motivation: Input for SIDIS experiments to extract spin-dependent parton distribution without energy evolution Method: Probing azimuthal asymmetries of di-hadron. PRL 116, (2016) non-zero asymmetries growing with fractional energy z vs. z1,z2 vs. pt , Lu An G.S. Huang: 973 tau-QCD
Program V:new physics
Search for the forbidden decay
Rare decay
Exotic decay PRL100,(2008)
Summary BES has 3 generations, BESI,II,III and run for about 30 years. The physics program at BES covers light hadron, charmonium(-like), charm, -QCD, and new physics. A lots of robust results are obtained, for example, mass and R value measurements, the observation of X(1835) and Zc(3900), non-DD decay of (3770), and so on. Thank you!
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