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Year Three Welcome Meeting

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1 Year Three Welcome Meeting

2 Staffing Mrs Walker-Lancum & Mrs Richards are the class teachers.
Mrs Coombes & Mrs Rashid are the teaching assistants.

3 Attendance and punctuality
Doors open at 8:40am School starts at 8:50am After 8:50 children come through office as late Persistent lateness – receive letter No improvement meeting with Head Holidays not authorised

4 Health and well being Children are encouraged to bring in healthy food for lunches and snacks as well as a water bottle. We have two sessions of P.E. each week and there are lots of other physical activity opportunities including Walk to School. The children are encouraged to follow the school rules and good behaviour is rewarded with house points, golden tickets, ‘Star of the week’ and ‘Disciple of the Week’. Inappropriate behaviour is addressed using the school’s smiley face chart. If behaviour does not improve after a warning then children may go to the reflection room and parents will be informed. If a child is worried or upset they are encouraged to tell a trusted adult or put a note in the worry box. Please inform the school of any domestic issues that may have an impact on your child so that we can always respond appropriately. An afternoon appointment is much better for a conversation so please make an appointment. Please ensure contact numbers are up to date. Please ensure any inhalers are up to date and attend school to administer any medication required at lunchtime. Try to make medical appointments outside school hours. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform and that all items are labelled.

5 Religion We have two sessions of R.E each week and are using the new Come and See scheme. The children learn about their faith, and that of others. They learn how to develop their faith as we Live and Learn as Friends of Jesus. Our first topic is about Homes and families.

6 Literacy Literacy takes place daily and where possible work will be cross-curricular. Reading books will be changed every Wednesday and Library books on a Friday. Guided Reading sessions will occur during the week and all children will be heard read at least once a week. Please use the reading record to comment on any positive aspects of your child’s reading or to communicate any concerns. Spelling tests will take place every Monday and new spelling lists will be given out after each test. Scores will be recorded in homework planners. Any incorrect words will be highlighted for you to review.

7 Numeracy There is a Numeracy lesson every day in which work is differentiated. Topics covered include the number system and place value. Shape, space and measure. The children will use the web site ‘My Maths’ for occasional homework and where possible this will consolidate work carried out in class.

8 How do we assess? Teacher Assessment is on-going in all subjects.
2 x Assessment weeks in which children will complete tests in maths, reading and writing. Books are marked in accordance to school guidelines and children are encouraged to reflect on work and respond to comments where necessary.

9 We welcome helpers! Visits Cooking Reading Parental help – DB checked

10 Things to take home today!
* Prayer booklet * Consent form Thank you for attending!

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