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Presentation on theme: "THE TRANSPORT (SCOTLAND) BILL 2018"— Presentation transcript:

Introduced & published Lead Committee calls for evidence Jan 2019 Stage 1 evidence Committee’s Stage 1 Report June 2018 Summer 2018 Sept/Oct/Nov 2018 Stage 2 – Main amending stage Commence & implement, including regulations & guidance Stage 3 Summer 2019 Easter 2019 Late 2019 onwards

2 CONTENT Low emission zones Bus services Smart ticketing
Pavement and double parking prohibitions Road works Regional Transport Partnership finance Scottish canals governance

3 LOW EMISSION ZONES The Scottish Government has committed to introducing Low Emission Zones into Scotland’s four biggest cities by 2020. Provisions will help transform our cities into cleaner, healthier places to travel and enjoy. The Bill enables the creation, and civil enforcement of Low Emission Zones by local authorities. Denotes that local authorities use penalty monies to achieve Low Emission Zone scheme objectives.

4 LOW EMISSION ZONES Allows the Scottish Government to set consistent standards for emissions, penalties, exemptions and parameters for grace periods. Allows the Scottish Government to approve devices to detect one infringement per day. Allows for further consultation and engagement in the development of regulations.

The Bill supports local authorities to meet local needs and circumstances for bus services. Ensures that local transport authorities have viable and flexible options to improve bus services in their areas. Improves the information available to passengers so that bus travel is more accessible and attractive. Complements provisions for low emission zones, smart ticketing and improving road works.

6 BUS SERVICES Ensuring local authorities have viable and flexible options to improve services New Bus Services Improvement Partnerships – replacing Quality Partnerships New Local Franchising – replacing Quality Contracts New/extended powers for local transport authorities to provide bus services to meet social needs Powers to require bus operators to make more information available to the public on services – routes, timetables, fares etc Powers to require operators withdrawing services to provide more information to local transport authorities

Gives Scottish Ministers the power to set a national technological standard for smart ticketing schemes. Sets up a National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board. By strengthening the technology and governance which underpins smart ticketing, people will be able to move across Scotland with greater ease and convenience. Extends existing ticketing arrangements and schemes to include connecting, different mode services. Our vision is that all journeys on Scotland’s bus, rail, ferry, subway and tram networks can be made using some form of smart ticketing or payment. The Bill will ensure that national technical standards and governance arrangements are in place to fully enable Scotland-wide smart ticketing, and provide local transport authorities with additional powers to develop and deliver effective smart ticketing arrangements and schemes Considerable progress has already been made to deliver smart ticketing in Scotland, but there are a number of areas where further progress is required. We want to develop a consistent, national, approach across all modes of transport which improves the experience of the travelling public.

The Bill prohibits parking on pavements and double parking and enables civil enforcement. Provisions help improve safety and accessibility for all, but particularly for our most vulnerable road users Vehicles involved in emergencies, road works and deliveries will be excepted from the ban during the course of business. Vehicles delivering, loading or unloading goods, to be parked for no long than 20 minutes.

9 Raising standards and improving the quality of road works in Scotland
The Bill enhances the role of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner and the wider regulation of road works Provides for permission to execute works in a road Improves safety measures for the carrying out of works in roads Strengthens arrangements for commencement and completion notices Improves reinstatement of roads following works Improves information about apparatus

Changes how RTPs manage their finances. Enables RTPs to carry surplus funds from one year to the next. Allows RTPs to hold and operate capital funds, renewal and repairs funds and insurance funds in a similar way to councils. The provisions assist RTPs in long term financial planning and investment.

11 SCOTTISH CANALS Enables Scottish Ministers to increase the size of the Board of Scottish Canals from between 3 and 6 members to between 6 and 11 members. Enables better governance and a wider spread of skills and knowledge on the Board.


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