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Jan 2011 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: OFDM comment resolution Date Submitted: Jan.

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Presentation on theme: "Jan 2011 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: OFDM comment resolution Date Submitted: Jan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan 2011 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: OFDM comment resolution Date Submitted: Jan 14, 2011 Source: Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin Company Landis+Gyr, Texas Instruments, ETRI Re: Status of proposed resolutions for the OFDM-related comments after LB59. Abstract: Summary and overview of proposed resolutions Purpose: LB59 comment resolution Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Jan 2011 Withdrawn comments CID 1094 from Steve Jillings. Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin <author>, <company>

3 Categories of comments
Jan 2011 Categories of comments Group A (sub-group agreed ready to vote) – 54 comments Group B (resolutions proposed, but no consensus yet - work in progress) – 8 comments Group C (more than one resolution proposed). 11 comments Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

4 Jan 2011 Group A comments Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

5 Editorial-type comments (Accept or AP)
Jan 2011 Editorial-type comments (Accept or AP) Proposed Accept: CID 170, 226, 230, 851, 857, 1000, 1105, 1151, 1162 Propose AP (see doc 933, rev 0 for additional text): CID 168, 178, 229, 258, 261, 574, 575, 645, 810, 811, 816, 848, 856, 860, 1109 Related comments: Propose “AP, resolved through CID 811”: CID 812 Propose “AP, resolved through CID 261”: CID 267, 268 Propose “AP, resolved through CID 168”: CID 180 Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

6 Case of phyOFDMInterleaving = 1
Jan 2011 Case of phyOFDMInterleaving = 1 CID 129 (Number of symbols in PHR) Proposed resolution: “Accept” Related comment: 130, 131, 1046, 1047, 1048 All the related comments are proposed “AP. Resolved through CID 129” CID 135 (Interleaver formula) Related comment: 1052 All the related comment are proposed “AP. Resolved through CID 135” CID 136 (Interleaver formula) Related comment: 1053 All the related comment are proposed “AP. Resolved through CID 136” CID 132 (Definition of Ncbps) Related comment: 1049 All the related comment are proposed “AP. Resolved through CID 132 Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

7 CID 133 – Definition of Ndbps
Jan 2011 CID 133 – Definition of Ndbps Comment: define the Ndbps Commenter’s proposal: Add : Ndbps = Ncbps x R". R is coding rate Proposed resolution: “AP. Ndbps is already defined without ambiguity p77 line 2. No change needed” Related comment: 134, 1050, 1051 All the related comments are proposed “AP. Resolved through CID 133” Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

8 Miscellaneous Accept/AP
Jan 2011 Miscellaneous Accept/AP CID 541, 542 (Synchronization with i) Proposed resolution: AP. 4i has removed all the primitives. CID 1150 (Errors in figure) Proposed resolution: Accept Related comment CID 813, 167: AP, Resolved through CID 1150. CID 1160 (Interleaving with frequency spreading) CID 576 (annex N): Proposed resolution: AP. The annex N is for information only. It does not specify a particular implementation. The text changed through the resolution of CID 674 and CID 575 will provide clarifications on the different steps. Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

9 CID 852 – Ordering of Interleaver and Frequency Spreading
Jan 2011 CID 852 – Ordering of Interleaver and Frequency Spreading Comment: Text talks about frequency spreading here and in line 9. The definition of frequency spreading is not until line 14 (in 6.12b.2.6). Commenter’s proposal: Swap the order of 6.12b.2.5 Interleaver and 6.12b.2.6 Frequency spreading. Proposed resolution: AP. The swapping would add more confusion since current order is more logical for steps needed at transmitter. However some editorial changes can be made by the editors to clarify the wording. Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

10 CID 1102 and 1104 – Unspecified Power Boosting for STF and LTF
Jan 2011 CID 1102 and 1104 – Unspecified Power Boosting for STF and LTF Comment: Power boosting for the STF/LTF should be optional at a value specified by the implementer. Commenter’s proposal: While power boosting may have performance implications, it should have no interoperability implications and the implementer should be able to choose the appropriate boosting for their implementation. Proposed resolution: Propose AP. A default power boosting must be specified by the standard in order to improve the consistency of the standard-compliant signal for testing and integration purposes and also to allow consistent system performance evaluation (such as NIST PAP2 activity). An implementer is free to choose other power boosting values. The text will be changed to say that the current power boosting values are recommended values, leaving the room for custom values. Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

11 Jan 2011 CID 1148 – LIFS, SIFS The symbol time is longer for MR-OFDM than MR-FSK, so the LIFS and SIFS times should be a smaller number of symbols For MR-OFDM the LIFS should be 10 symbols and the SIFS should be 5 symbols. Proposed resolution: “Accept”. The unit used for this comment will be symbol or time, depending on the resolution of other comments. Related comment: 350 All the related comment are proposed “AP. Resolved through CID 1148.” Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

12 Jan 2011 Group B comments Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

13 Jan 2011 CID 1099 (wp) Comment: STF tables could be simplified by using unit entries instead of current values Commenter’s proposal: Suggestion to allign the STF tables with popular convention by normalising the table to use values of +1 or -1 to designate the tones. Then time domain samples with an rms of 1 can be obtained by multiplying by N/sqrt(ntones). Where ntones are the number of tones used by the STF. Then power boosting can be applied explicitly as desired. Related comment : CID 1100, 181, 1103, 1106, 1110, 179 Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

14 CID 1108 – Data scrambler seed
Jan 2011 CID 1108 – Data scrambler seed Comment: Change the scrambler seed for the first line of the table to zeros. Proposed resolution: work in progress…. Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

15 Jan 2011 Group C comments Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

16 CID 1107: Differential Modulation
Jan 2011 CID 1107: Differential Modulation Comment: The pilot tone scheme seems overly complex for the problem it is trying to solve. This makes implementation difficult. Commenter’s proposal: Consider more staightforward approaches 2 proposed resolutions: no differential modulation (current draft) or include some form of differential modulation in the standard. Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

17 Jan 2011 CID 1101 (negation of Z) Comment: The necessity of the negated Z is unclear Commenter’s proposal: Consider adopting a more standard STF such as used in a 2 Proposed resolutions: negate the last Z (current draft) or keep all Z the same Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

18 CID 521 – OFDM channel separation/BW
Jan 2011 CID 521 – OFDM channel separation/BW A clear definition of the MR-OFDM channel separation is missing. Add the text "The channel separation for the MR-OFDM operating modes is listed in Table 75g." [And add a row to Table 75g for 'Channel spacing' with the following values: 1200 kHz, 800 kHz, 400 kHz and 200 kHz for Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 and Option 4, respectively.] Comment accepted in Dallas (11/09/2010) Related comments: 349, 367, 553, 644, 912, 169, 1145, 1157 All the related comment are proposed “AP, resolved through CID 521.” CID 1145 has been also accepted in Dallas (11/09/2011) New proposals received for option 1 : 1400kHz and 1600kHz New proposal received for option 2 : 600kHz Emmanuel Monnerie, Tim Schmidl, Cheol Ho Shin

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