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Psychometric Training–Helping our students into Employment

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1 Psychometric Training–Helping our students into Employment
AGCAS East Midlands Regional Training Event AGCAS Psychometric Task Group     Programme  9.30     Sign-in and Refreshments  10.00   Welcome and the Loughborough Approach – Helen Smith / Michele Zala (U005) 10.15   Current Trends in Psychometric Assessment – Angus McDonald (U005) 11.15   Mid-morning Refreshments 11.45   Team Focus Psychometric Tools - Demo and Lab session - Roy Childs (U007) 12.45   Lunch

2 Psychometric Training–Helping our students into Employment
AGCAS East Midlands Regional Training Event AGCAS Psychometric Task Group     Programme  12.45   Lunch  1.30    Graduates First Psychometric Tools - Demo and Lab session - Saqib Saddiq (U007)  2.30    Cascaid Adult Directions Demo – Susie Fairley (U005)  3.00     Afternoon Refreshments  3.15     Maths Support – Numeracy Skills MOOC / Sigma – Michele Zala, Laura Hooke (U005)  3.45     Future Trends – Angus McDonald (U005) 4.15     Panel Q&A with all Speakers (U005) 4.45     End of Event

3 AGCAS Psychometric Task Group
We are looking for new members     Michele Zala (Chair) – Loughborough University Laura Hooke – Loughborough University London Gill Barber – University of Leeds Peter Sewell – Lancaster University Elaine Denniss – UCL The Psychometric Assessment Task Group was created to help AGCAS members in evaluating and using psychometric tests in guidance work and to keep a watching brief on developments in employers’ selection methods.  The group informs the wider AGCAS community through communications on the AGCAS website and articles in Phoenix all designed to inform best practice, including comparison of existing tests and information on new developments in the use of psychometric tool in selection processes. To deliver its programme the Task Group meets twice a year with more regular online and phone contact.  Vacancies on the group are advertised nationally and are open to all AGCAS members.

4 Online Aptitude Tests Presented by Michele Zala Careers Consultant School of Business and Economics and International Students

5 Course Aim and Learning Outcomes
The aims of this module are to ensure students understand the range of psychometric tests used by employers and have the resources and advice available to deliver their best performance.   Learning Outcomes Understand what psychometric tests are Know where to go to practise psychometric tests Practise verbal, numerical, logical reasoning and situational judgement tests Feel more confident about what to expect at interviews and assessment centres


7 What are Psychometrics?
BPS (British Psychological Society) definition “ a psychological test is an instrument designed to produce a quantitative assessment of some psychological attribute or attributes”

8 How are Psychometric Tests constructed?
Objectivity – key to all psychometric procedures Standardized test materials, administration and scoring procedures Reliability Are all parts of the test measuring the same thing? Will people score the same if retested? Validity Does the test measure what it claims to measure? Is the test being used appropriately?

9 Common Types of Psychometric Tests
Numerical or Quantitative Reasoning Critical Thinking Verbal Reasoning Situational Judgement Inductive, diagrammatic or logical reasoning Personality / Strengths Data handling / IT Aptitude Mechanical aptitude


11 Psychometric Tests on Careers Network website http://www. lboro. ac
Profiling for Success Graduates First

12 Preparing for psychometric tests
Brush up on your maths skills and numerical short cuts e.g. percentage increases, ratios, analysing charts and graphs Maths Refresher Mooc/LEARN Read broadsheet articles to help reading comprehension Practice the tests online on our website Repetition will increase speed and accuracy Special Conditions - speak to the employer - arrange adjustments Read the instructions carefully Check the time - a good balance between speed and accuracy Take a calculator with you; most maths tests now allow a calculator. Check out negative marking policy (ask Graduate Recruitment) No cheating – will be retested ! More on our website…

13 Numeracy Skills MOOC on Loughborough LEARN
Also on Learn Numeracy Skills MOOC on Loughborough LEARN

14 Numerical Reasoning How many owner-occupiers lived in semi-detached properties? (to nearest 1,000) a) b) c) d) e) 47000 How many owner-occupiers lived in flats and terraced properties? (to nearest 1,000) a) b) c) d) e) 46000

15 Verbal Reasoning Many organisations find it beneficial to employ students over the summer. Permanent staff often wish to take their own holidays over this period. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for companies to experience peak workloads in the summer and so require extra staff. Summer employment also attracts students who may return as well qualified recruits to an organisation when they have completed their education. Ensuring that the students learn as much as possible about the organisation encourages interest in working on a permanent basis. Organisations pay students on a fixed rate without the usual entitlement to paid holidays or sick leave Statement 1: It is possible that permanent staff who are on holiday can have their work carried out by students.               Statement 2: Students in summer employment are given the same paid holiday benefit as permanent staff.                       Statement 3: Students are subject to the organisation’s standard disciplinary and grievance procedures.                       Statement 4: Some companies have more work to do in the summer when students are available for vacation work.

16 Inductive/Logical Reasoning

17 Situational Judgement
Use common sense Difficult to prepare for Understanding the company culture can help – Company Mindset Research their values, their operations etc Understanding competencies for a role may help further

18 Personality Questionnaires
Not a ‘test’ No right or wrong answers – just be true to yourself Certain characteristics may have been earmarked as required for a specific position, but trying to guess what answer to give seldom works Gives areas to probe further during interview Try Profiling for Success or Graduates First Personality Tests

19 Psychometric Tests – Profiling for Success http://www. lboro. ac
Try 10 questions from the Verbal Reasoning Test Profiling for Success

20 Psychometric Tests - Graduates First http://www. lboro. ac
Try 10 questions from the Numerical Reasoning Test Try 10 questions from the Situational Judgement Test Try 10 questions from the Logical Reasoning Test Graduates First

21 Other Tests - Bloomberg BAT Test for City Careers

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