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Enzymes Biological Catalysts

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1 Enzymes Biological Catalysts
Explain the role of enzymes as catalysts that lower the activation energy of biochemical reactions. Identify factors such as pH and temperature, and their effect on enzyme activity.

2 Enzymes Objective: Investigate and report factors (e.g. surface area, pH, catalysts, and temperature) that affect the rate of reaction among atoms and molecules. EQ: How do different environmental factors affect enzyme activity?

3 Chemical Reactions A chemical reaction changes the original substances (chemicals) into new, different substances. Bonds break and form! There are always reactants and products!

4 Chemical Reactions Reactants: The compounds that you begin with; substances that are changed by the reaction. Found on the LEFT side of a reaction equation. Products: The compounds that you end with (what the reaction produces). *think math* On the RIGHT side of a reaction equation.

5 Chemical Reactions Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2 Which compounds are products and which are reactants?

6 Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction. 6 CO2+ 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2
Chemical Reactions Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction. 6 CO2+ 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2 Products (what we end with) Reactants (what we started with)

7 Activation Energy Activation Energy: The energy required for a reaction to begin. Like the energy needed to push a ball up a hill; once at the top, the ball will roll down the other side of the hill on its own.

8 Catalysts A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction. A catalyst is reusable! Catalysts lower the activation energy of a reaction and increase the rate of reaction (speed it up).

9 Enzymes act as biological catalysts!
Enzymes are catalysts in living things. Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down Lactose (disaccharide) into two monosaccharides (glutose and galactose) which are then used by the body. Without lactase this reaction would not occur and the lactose would be unusable by the body.

10 Enzymes act as biological catalysts!
People who are lactose intolerant do not have the enzyme lactase. Their bodies are not able to break down lactose. What macromolecule are lactase and lactose? Therefore, dairy products that contain a lot of lactose can make them feel ill. Fortunately, science has created a supplement that provides their bodies with lactase so that they are able to tolerate some levels of lactose.

11 Toothpickase

12 Background Just like lactase breaks down lactose in your body, there are countless other enzymes that do similar things. For this activity, you are going to act like an imaginary enzyme so that we can observe enzymes at work. You are going to be TOOTHPICKASE.

13 Background How does Toothpickase work?
Toothpickase breaks down Toothpickose in the body. One of you will act as Toothpickase. In the activity, you will use your thumb and index finger to break toothpicks. The chemical reaction is the breaking of the toothpick. We will observe how the enzyme performs under different environmental conditions.

14 Assign Roles 1 person will be the lab technician and ensure that everything gets set up properly. 1 person will be Toothpickase (this person will be the enzyme for the ENTIRE activity). 1 person will be the product counter to count and sort the products of each trial. 1 person will be the data recorder to ensure that all numbers are accurately recorded.

15 Part I: Normal Activity How does Toothpickase act normally?
Lab technician, place 50 toothpicks on the small paper plate in front of Toothpickase. Toothpickase will have 10 seconds to complete the chemical reactions using one hand to pick up and break toothpicks in half using only his or her index finger and thumb WITHOUT LOOKIN All toothpicks and pieces stay on the plate. As Toothpickase breaks toothpicks, the product counter needs to keep an precise count of the number of toothpicks broken. The data recorder will make sure that the accurate number is recorded in Table 1.

16 Part I: Normal Activity How does Toothpickase act normally?
Then, keeping the same pile of broken and whole toothpicks, repeat the process for an additional 20 seconds. Lab technician should make sure that the plate still contains all pieces. As Toothpickase continues to work The product counter will count the number of toothpicks broken during this trial. The data recorder will record the total in Table 1.

17 Part I: Normal Activity How does Toothpickase act normally?
Then, keeping the same pile of broken and whole toothpicks, repeat the process for an additional 30 seconds. Lab technician should make sure that the plate still contains all pieces. As Toothpickase continues to work, the product counter will count the number of toothpicks broken during this trial. The data recorder will record the total in Table 1.

18 Part I: Normal Activity How does Toothpickase act normally?
Then, keeping the same pile of broken and whole toothpicks, repeat the process for an additional 60 seconds. Lab technician should make sure that the plate still contains all pieces. Toothpickase continues to work, Product counter will count the number of toothpicks broken during this trial. The data recorder will record the total in Table 1. If you run out of toothpicks, record the amount of time it took to do so.

19 Part I: Normal Activity How does Toothpickase act normally?
Running Count

20 Lab Clean Up Put broken toothpicks to the side. Clear off your plate
Lab Clean Up Put broken toothpicks to the side. Clear off your plate. Everyone record data on their sheets from Part I Lab Tech- count out 10 toothpicks

21 Part II: Substrate Concentration How does substrate concentration effect enzyme rate?
Keep the same jobs! Lab technician, place 80 paperclips and 10 toothpicks on the paper plate in front of Toothpickase. Toothpickase will have 20 seconds to break toothpicks. Again, only with index finger and thumb and without looking. As Toothpickase works, the product counter needs to keep a precise count and the data recorder needs to record accurate numbers in Table 2. Do not count toothpicks that are broken twice. They can only be broken once.

22 Part II: Substrate Concentration How does substrate concentration effect enzyme rate?
Lab technician, remove all toothpicks. Place broken toothpicks to the side and add 20 toothpicks to the paper clips and mix them in. Toothpickase will have 20 seconds to break toothpicks. Again, only with index finger and thumb and without looking. As Toothpickase works, the product counter needs to keep a precise count and the data recorder needs to record accurate numbers in Table 2. Do not count toothpicks that are broken twice. They can only be broken once.

23 Part II: Substrate Concentration How does substrate concentration effect enzyme rate?
Lab technician, remove all toothpicks. Place broken toothpicks to the side and Add 30 toothpicks to the paper clips and mix them in. Toothpickase will have 20 seconds to break toothpicks. Again, only with index finger and thumb and without looking. As Toothpickase works, the product counter needs to keep a precise count and the data recorder needs to record accurate numbers in Table 2. Do not count toothpicks that are broken twice. They can only be broken once.

24 Part II: Substrate Concentration How does substrate concentration effect enzyme rate?
Lab technician, remove all toothpicks. Place broken toothpicks to the side. Add 40 toothpicks to the paper clips and mix them in. Toothpickase will have 20 seconds to break toothpicks. Again, only with index finger and thumb and without looking. As Toothpickase works, the product counter needs to keep a precise count and the data recorder needs to record accurate numbers in Table 2. Do not count toothpicks that are broken twice. They can only be broken once.

25 Lab Clean Up Put broken toothpicks to the side. Clear off your plate
Lab Clean Up Put broken toothpicks to the side. Clear off your plate. Everyone record data on their sheets from Part II Lab Tech, count out 30 toothpicks

26 Part III: Enzyme Concentration How does the number of enzymes impact the reaction rate?
Lab technician, place 30 toothpicks on the plate in front of Toothpickase. Record how long it takes Toothpickase #1 to break all 30 toothpicks (by themselves) using only his or her index finger and thumb and without looking. Product Counter time how long it takes toothpickase to break all 30 toothpicks. You can use your phone timer for this. Data recorder make sure to record the time accurately in Table 3.

27 Part III: Enzyme Concentration How does the number of enzymes impact the reaction rate?
Lab technician, discard the broken toothpicks and place 30 new toothpicks on the plate in front of Toothpickase. Now, for Part III, the product counter will become Toothpickase #2 (only temporarily). Now, there are TWO Toothpickases. Toothpickase and Toothpickase #2, working at the same time (together) break all 30 toothpicks using only their finger and thumb and without looking. Data recorder make sure to record the time accurately in Table 3. You can use your phone timer for this.

28 Lab Clean Up Put broken toothpicks to the side. Clear off your plate
Lab Clean Up Put broken toothpicks to the side. Clear off your plate. Everyone record data on their sheets from Part III Lab tech, count out 15 toothpicks

29 Part IV: Change in Temperature How does temperature impact the reaction rate?
Back to normal jobs. Lab technician, place 15 toothpicks on the plate in front of Toothpickase. Toothpickase break all 15 toothpicks using only your index finger and thumb and without looking. Product counter time how long it takes Toothpickase to break all 15 toothpicks. You can use your phone timer for this. Data recorder make sure to record the time accurately in Table 4.

30 Toothpickase, go place your hand in an ice bath for 2 minutes.
Part IV: Change in Temperature How does temperature impact the reaction rate? Toothpickase, go place your hand in an ice bath for 2 minutes. Lab technician, discard the broken toothpicks and place 15 new toothpicks on the plate in front of Toothpickase. Product Counter, time how long it takes both Toothpickase to break all 15 toothpicks using only their finger and thumb and without looking. You can use your phone timer for this. Data recorder make sure to record the time accurately in Table 4.

31 Lab Clean Up Put broken toothpicks to the side. Clear off your plate
Lab Clean Up Put broken toothpicks to the side. Clear off your plate. Everyone record data on their sheets from Part IV.

32 Part V: pH How does pH impact the reaction rate?
In Table 5, for normal pH record the same number as you recorded for normal temperature from Table 4. Lab technician, place 15 toothpicks on the plate in front of Toothpickase. Toothpickase, go see the teacher to have your enzyme denatured by ACID! Product Counter time how long it takes both Toothpickase to break all 15 toothpicks using only their finger and thumb and without looking. You can use your phone timer for this. Data recorder make sure to record the time accurately in Table 5.

33 Lab Clean Up Throw away all broken toothpicks
Lab Clean Up Throw away all broken toothpicks. Place unbroken toothpicks and paperclips back in baggies. Place baggies on plate. Everyone record data on their sheets from Part V.

34 What three environmental factors affect enzymes?
Exit Ticket What three environmental factors affect enzymes?

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