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“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk

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2 “To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk
“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” —Thomas Edison ( )

3 A Rube Goldberg machine is a comical, complicated invention that performs a simple operation.
Mealtime can be messy—but not with this self-operating napkin thought up by cartoonist Rube Goldberg!

4 Go through steps 1 to 11 to see how the thief was nabbed!
Need to catch a bike thief? Check out this wacky contraption inspired by Rube Goldberg. Go through steps 1 to 11 to see how the thief was nabbed!

5 Every year, high school and college students compete in a Rube Goldberg Contest at Purdue University in Indiana. Watch this video about the contest: Site/Podcast/Entries/2009/4/1_RUBE_GOLDBERG.html

6 The Big Questions: Who was Rube Goldberg? What is a simple machine?
What are two examples of simple machines that could be used in a Rube Goldberg contraption? To find out, read “One Zany Device” on page 20 of the February 1, 2010, issue of Science World.

7 Project Time! Draw or build a Rube Goldberg machine that can squirt toothpaste onto a toothbrush. Use 10 or more steps, including at least three simple machines. Scholastic Classroom Magazines. Photo Credits:PAGE 1: Illustration: Jim Paillot. PAGE 2: Nathan Lazarnick/George Eastman House/Getty Images (Edison). PAGE 3: Rube Goldberg, Inc. (comic). PAGE 4: Illustration: Lance Lekander. PAGE 5: Courtesy Thorp High School (video). PAGE 6: istock (toothpaste). All Background Illustrations by Jim Paillot.

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