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The University of Ruse Angel Kanchev Team: Prof. Dr. Nicolay Mihailov

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1 The University of Ruse Angel Kanchev Team: Prof. Dr. Nicolay Mihailov
Informational and communicational aspects of risk management in LSI: current status and perspectives The University of Ruse Angel Kanchev Team: Prof. Dr. Nicolay Mihailov Doc. Dr. Boris Evstatiev Dr. Tzvetelin Georgiev Dr. Ventsislav Keseev Doc. Dr. Ognyan Dinolov

2 Activity A1. Project management
Laptop computers (E4) 3 pcs. Desktop computers (E8) 2 pcs. Basic software licenses and application software (E13) VMWare Workstation licenses ABBYY FineReader 14 – 2 licenses Antivirus software licenses (E18) 2 licenses

3 Activity A2. Project information and communication activities
Organization of the Kick-off conference (S4) Ruse, 30 June 2016 Printed and other promotional materials (S6) 3 video films 5 press releases

4 The kick-off conference
96 participants, presenters from: The Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria The Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria NPP “Kozloduy” SE “Radioactive Waste” Risk Engineering Ltd. The National Defense College “G. S. Rakovski” The Military Medical Academy The National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” The National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania The Governors of Ruse and Razgrad districts, …...

5 Three video films Available on

6 The press releases Briag newspaper, Ruse Volume of each issue: 3000 pc
Topics: Activities results

7 Activity A3.3. Baseline and end line survey of the target group
Baseline survey Performed on the kick-off conference, 30 June 2016 End line survey Performed in the period from 1 December 2017 to 31 January 2018

8 Activity A4.1.1. LSI related public communication
Training event in communication skills (S14) Date: January 2017 Place: Hotel Teodora Palace, Ruse Topic: Communication skills during emergency situations in LSI

9 Training in communication skills
35 participants from: NPP “Kozloduy” Risk Engineering Ltd. SE “Port Infrastructure” The National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” Ruse and Razgrad regional administration Regional Fire Safety Directorate and Protection of Population – Montana Universities and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences NGOs and others

10 Activity A4.1.2. Improving the LSI cooperative development planning capacities
Training on Strategic Planning and Development Place and Date: Ruse, 11 September 2017 Lecturers and participants from: SE “Port infrastructure” Directorate Vessel traffic Management System – Danube River University of Ruse Angel Kanchev Bulgarian Academy of Sciences NGOs And others

11 Topics of the Strategic planning and development training
Benefits and development of LSI in the cross-border area – Valentin Hristov (SE “Port Infrastructure”) Limitations, negative impacts and vulnerabilities, caused by the operation of LSIs. Selection and application of strategies for continuity of the infrastructure activities – Prof. Kyril Stoychev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Business cooperation for development of the cross-border region. Methods for strategic planning – Assoc. Prof. Stefko Burdzhiev (University of Ruse Angel Kanchev)

12 Activity A4.2.2. Info days organized by selected LSIs
Organization of two Informational conferences (S19) Energy infrastructures, Hotel Riga, Ruse, August 2017 Covered topics: Risk management of LSI in the energy sector Transport infrastructures, Hotel Riga, Ruse, September 2017s Covered topics: Risk management of LSI in the transport sector

13 Energy Infrastructures
71 Participants from: NPP “Kozloduy” Regional Fire Safety Directorate and Protection of Population – Montana The National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ruse and Razgrad regional administration Universities and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences And others

14 Transport Infrastructures
61 Participants from: NPP “Kozloduy” State enterprise “Port infrastructure” State enterprise “Radioactive waste” The National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation Ruse and Razgrad regional administration Universities and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences And others

15 Activity A4.3.1. Best practice identification in the Danube region
Organization of 2 conference events on Best practice identification in the Danube region (S22): Ruse, January 2017 Magurele, October, 2017 Covered topics: Best practices in risk management of LSI in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area Study tours: Nuclear Power Plant “Kozloduy”, Kozloduy, 31 August 2017 State Enterprise “Radioactive Waste”, Kozloduy, 31 August 2017 Factory for artificial nettle "Sviloza“, Svishtov, 03 January 2018

16 Conference in Ruse 56 Participants Places: Presenters from:
Hotel Teodora Palace Crisis headquarters in the Ruse municipality Presenters from: The Ruse district governor Risk Engineering Ltd. NPP “Kozloduy” Enkon Services Ltd.

17 Conference in Magurele
43 Participants Place: National Library of Physics, IFIN-HH Presenters from: National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering - Horia Hulubei Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation National Institute for R&D in Earth Physics National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics NPP “Kozloduy” State Enterprise Radioactive Waste

18 Study tours Nuclear Power Plant “Kozloduy”
State Enterprise “Radioactive Waste” Factory for artificial nettle "Sviloza“ Topics: Risk potential of the enterprise Benefits and vulnerabilities Technological risk analysis Communication plans Classified and nonclassified information Best practices in communication with population during normal and emergency states

19 Activity A4.3.2. Curricula development, Learning materials, peer review
Didactic material development (S23) Proceedings of the Kick-off conference (in 3 volumes) Book from the Training event in communication skills Book from the Best practice identification conference in Ruse Training textbook on “Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian Bulgarian Cross Border Area”, January 2018 Video lectures on "Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian Bulgarian Cross Border Area“, January 2018

20 Books from the initial events
Proceedings of the Kick-off Conference: 3 volumes, p. Training in Communication Skills 159 p. Best Practices in Risk Management 155 p. Volume of the issues: 200 hard copies each In digital form:

21 Training textbook Name: Date: Language: In digital form: Scope:
Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian Bulgarian Cross Border Area Date: January, 2018 Language: English and Bulgarian In digital form: Scope: Training of future LSI managers and other stakeholders Content: Chapter one: Nature and influence of LSIs in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area Chapter two: Risk. Risk analysis and assessment of LSI Chapter three: Communication in LSIs. Plans and procedures Chapter four: Best practices in risk management in the Danube region

22 Video lectures Name: In digital form: Scope:
Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian Bulgarian Cross Border Area In digital form: Scope: Training of future LSI managers and other stakeholders

23 Content of the Video lectures
Lecture 1: Infrastructure. Types of technical infrastructure Lecture 2: Critical infrastructure Lecture 3: Risk management Lecture 4: Risk management in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area Lecture 5: General approaches and system guidelines for efficient public communication Lecture 6: Communication in crisis situation. Mass media strategies Lecture 7: Plans and procedures during normal operation of large-scale infrastructures Lecture 8: Emergency planning procedures of NPP "Kozloduy“ Lecture 9: Awareness about the benefits from the exploitation of NPP "Kozloduy“ Lecture 10: NPP modernization. Risk-based approach. Lecture 11: Good practices in risk management of major accidents in NPPs Lecture 12: Risk reduction based on modern techniques for site selection of NPPs

24 Results from the End line Survey

25 Results from the End line Survey

26 Results from the End line Survey

27 Results from the End line Survey

28 End line Survey Conclusions
The project had a positive effect on the local awareness regarding risks and benefits. More than 90% of surveyed state that their awareness and attitude towards risk management of LSIs has improved. Only 40% of the surveyed have participated in events of the project –> The other channels for communication with the stakeholders were also very efficient. The main project objectives, to increase the local awareness about risk management and benefits from LSI through improved communication, were successfully met.

29 Future perspectives The Center for Continuous Education at RUAK will offer a course in Risk management for LSI Certain topics from Risk management in large-scale industrial and transport infrastructures will be included in the Syllabus of specialties from the Business and management faculty and the Electrical engineering, electronics and automation faculty Implementation of our agreements for strategic partnership with NPP “Kozloduy”, SE “Radioactive Waste” and SE “Port Infrastructure” Administration of the website Presentation of risk management topics on international conferences

30 Thank You for Your Attention!
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Nicolay Mihailov, DHC – Manager of the team University of Ruse Angel Kanchev The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.

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