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JUVENILE RECORDS Leslie Barrett Kinkead Court Improvement Program

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Presentation on theme: "JUVENILE RECORDS Leslie Barrett Kinkead Court Improvement Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 JUVENILE RECORDS Leslie Barrett Kinkead Court Improvement Program
Administrative Office of the Courts

2 TCA 37-1-153 - Court Files & Records
Inspection only open to: Judge and court staff Parties to proceeding, counsel & representatives Agency supervising or having custody Adult criminal case for presentence report Other person/agency with legitimate interest & court’s permission

3 TCA 37-1-153 - Court Files & Records
Exceptions: Petitions and orders – child 14 or over at time of offense if: 1st degree murder 2nd degree murder Rape/Aggravated Rape Rape of child/Aggravated rape of child Aggravated/Especially aggravated robbery Aggravated/Especially aggravated kidnapping Does not include documents other than petitions/orders – cannot release medical/psychological reports, etc. Except Rule 33 – Predisposition Report/Social History & Disposition child/attorney/parent or guardian – entitled to predisposition report and all medical/psychological or other report on which its based. Court may decline inspection if detrimental to child to all except attorney. If court denies inspection to unrepresented party- must appoint attorney Violation of confidentiality punishable by criminal contempt

4 TCA 37-1-153 – Law Enforcement Records
Inspection only open to: Juvenile court with jurisdiction of child Counsel for party Agency having custody Law enforcement of other jurisdiction in discharge of official duties Adult criminal case for presentence report Penal facility where child placed Parole board

5 TCA 37-1-153 – Law Enforcement Records
Confidentiality not applicable if: Child transferred to adult criminal court In interest of national security Judge orders otherwise in interest of child

6 T.C.A. 37-1-155 Fingerprints/Photographs/Recordings
Child shall be fingerprinted & photographed if: Charged with felony offense Charged with misdemeanor & court order During investigation latent prints found & probable cause by law enforcement of particular child – if no match destroy During investigation reasonable suspicion that description matches child – may photograph child

7 T.C.A. 37-1-155 Fingerprints/Photographs/Recordings
Photo/video/recording: Child in process committing offense Reasonable suspicion field sobriety test Juvenile victim consents If no charges, destroy unless otherwise ordered

8 T.C.A. 37-1-155 Fingerprints/Photographs/Recordings
No disclosure except pursuant to Destroyed: Misdemeanor - no charge or no delinquent adjudication or transferred to another juvenile court Felony – if charged but no delinquent adjudication – destroy at 18 if ordered Felony – delinquent adjudication – permanently maintained

9 T.C.A. 49-6-3051 School Notification
Parent, guardian, legal custodian (includes DCS) must notify school if initial enrollment, resumes attendance after suspension, expulsion or adjudication of delinquency of: 1st degree murder 2nd degree murder Rape/Aggravated Rape Rape of child/Aggravated rape of child Aggravated/Especially aggravated robbery Kidnapping/Aggravated/Especially aggravated kidnapping

10 T.C.A. 49-6-3051 School Notification
Aggravated Assault Felony reckless endangerment Aggravated sexual battery Voluntary manslaughter Criminal negligent homicide Sexual battery/Statutory rape by authority figure Prohibited weapon Possession of firearm Carrying weapon on school property/other places & 1311 Handgun possession Providing handguns to juveniles Class A or B felony drug offenses Offense not listed but ordered by court Abstract made by court and provided to parent, guardian Shared with school personnel having classroom instruction responsibility, counselor, social worker/psychologist developing plan – otherwise confidential and Class C misdemeanor (fine only). Principal must convene meeting to develop plan for student to succeed and school safety Abstract & plan not part of student record

11 TCA 37-1-153 - Court Files & Records
Expungement: Adjudicated delinquent a) 18 or older and 1 year removed from most recent adjudication No adult criminal conviction as juvenile or adult No sexual offense adjudication per b) Maintained consistent/exemplary pattern of civic- minded conduct for 1 or more years preceding filing of expunction petition c) Made adjustment of circumstances that expunction serves best interest of child/community No unruly expungement

12 TCA 40-32-101 Destruction of Records
Expunged if: No charge Dismissed Pre-trial diversion successful completion (except sexual offense) Adjudicated of Class E felony per (g)

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