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Infrared Diode and Detector (IRD300 & TLN100)

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Presentation on theme: "Infrared Diode and Detector (IRD300 & TLN100)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Infrared Diode and Detector (IRD300 & TLN100)
Matt Joseph

2 What You Should Know What is Infrared?
It exists in the electromagnetic spectrum with a wavelength longer than normal light. It cannot be seen by the human eye Ranges from about 750 nanometers to 1 millimeter (between red and microwaves in the spectrum).

3 What the Spectrum Looks Like

4 My Devices: TLN100 Infrared diode is run off of a 555 timer

5 Question?? Why would we want to use a 555 timer to run the infrared LED?

6 Answer!! The 555 timer pulses the IR LED at a specified rate (44KHz).

7 Answer!! The 555 timer pulses the IR LED at a specified rate (44KHz).
It eliminates the need for a waveform generator and a drive device (transistor or op amp).

8 Answer!! The 555 timer pulses the IR LED at a specified rate (44KHz).
It eliminates the need for a waveform generator and a drive device (transistor or op amp). Gives some control over duty cycle which can increase the range.

9 My Devices: IRD300 Pin out description GND Vcc Vout

10 IRD300 Specs Vcc = 4.3V ~ 5.7V Icc = 3mA (max) Active low output
Voh = 4.2V Vol = 0.5V

11 My Circuit

12 Applications Remote Controls TVs VCRs Audio equipment Motion Devices
Optical switches They’re everywhere

13 Credit Where Credit’s Due
IRD Data Sheets TLN100 Data Sheets Dr. Chris Coulston Marc Bristow 555 Timer Presentation

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