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Amendment to NEA & NExA Measurement Provisions Change Process

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1 Amendment to NEA & NExA Measurement Provisions Change Process
Transmission Workstream Adam Sims 5th July 2007

2 Background NEAs & NExAs can only be altered either by:
Written agreement of all Users, or UNC Modification Proposal Metering details are contained within the Measurement Provisions sections of NEAs & NExAs Since August 2006, three Proposals have been raised for minor changes to Measurement Provisions Storage Connection Agreements and Interconnector Agreements are considered to be NEAs and NExAs as appropriate The Measurement Provisions section within every NEA and NExA contains technical details of the metering, sampling, analysis and other equipment required at the System Point. Mod 93: Amendment of Interconnector UK’s Meter Flow Rate; Mod 110: Amendment of PX’s Network Entry Agreement; Mod 153: Amendment of Interconnector UK’s Network Entry Provisions As the number of Entry and Exit Points with multiple Users increases and the sites themselves expand, there are likely to be more Modifications of this type raised (and hence the Modification process will be become more congested).

3 Proposal Allow Measurement Provisions section of NEAs & NExAs to be changed with agreement of Relevant Transporter and the site operator Transporter then notifies relevant Users at the site of changes The Measurement Provisions section contains: Required Gas Quality, Volume and Energy parameters to be metered, the Permitted ranges for each value, the standards the metering must be designed, built and installed to, the communication requirements from the equipment to the Transporter, details of the validation process. Methods of communicating change not decided yet, possibly use JO?

4 Benefits Improves efficiency by reducing number of ‘housekeeping’ Proposals May improve security of supply by minimising constraints caused by delays to changing NEAs

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