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Cheeseburger in Paradise or How to Write a “Juicy” Paragraph

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Presentation on theme: "Cheeseburger in Paradise or How to Write a “Juicy” Paragraph"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cheeseburger in Paradise or How to Write a “Juicy” Paragraph
English I

2 Cheeseburger in Paradise
Top Bun = Topic Sentence Is indented States the main idea of the paragraph Grabs your reader’s attention

3 A. Don’t you just love spring?
The most beautiful flower is the rose because it comes in so many different colors. Another beautiful flower is the daisy which sometimes grows wild. Spring flowers like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses are also very pretty. Which of the following topic sentences is the best one for the above paragraph? A. Don’t you just love spring? B. The rose is the most loved flower the world over. C. There are many lovely flowers to consider for your garden.

4 B. Books are my father’s hobby.
He collects books that were written over a hundred years ago. But he is also interested in the best sellers of today. If I ever need to get him a present, I know I can always please him by buying him a book. Which of the following topic sentences is the best one for the above paragraph? A. Reading is fun. B. Books are my father’s hobby. C. My father was a main influence in my life.

5 Cheeseburger in Paradise
Middle = Body Sentences FATREDS Facts Anecdotes Testimony Reasons Examples Details Statistics Contains at least 3 details Use transitions

6 Cheeseburger in Paradise
Topic sentence My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features.  First, it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. . . Transitions Support

7 What’s still missing from the previous paragraph?

8 Cheeseburger in Paradise
My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features.  First, it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old. Third supporting detail

9 What else?

10 Cheeseburger in Paradise
Bottom Bun = Concluding Sentence Restates the main idea of the paragraph Answers the question “So what?”

11 Cheeseburger in Paradise
My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features.  First, it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old. These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place. Concluding Sentence: similar to, but not exactly the same as, the topic sentence; answers the question “So what?”

12 After Interviewing, do the following:
Interview Project: Narrowing topics, creating more questions & elaborating After Interviewing, do the following: Circle questions with topics that seem to go together -Favorite food: Italian -Favorite place: Grandmother’s village in Italy -Favorite restaurant: Joe Bologna’s COMMON TOPIC = Italy/Italian

13 Then, go back and think of follow-up questions you need to ask to get more details about the 2-3 topics you identified as important about your partner. -Favorite food: Italian Follow-up question: What type and why? Ziti because it’s yummy and reminds me of my grandmother’s recipe for it that my mom taught me to make. Favorite place: Grandmother’s village in Italy What’s it called? Why is it your favorite? What does it look like? Trivigliana. It’s small with old cobblestone streets and stone houses.

14 Topic Sentence: Now, think of a way to incorporate your topics broadly into a one sentence that introduces your partner, including his/her name and interests or what makes him her/special. ___________________ is an __________ person because he/she enjoys __________ and _______. Ex: Alison Hilton is a unique individual because she loves all things Italian and has had many experiences based on her family’s Italian heritage. Or Alison Hilton’s Italian background has shaped her into the person she is today. NOT. . . I am going to tell you about why Alison Hilton loves Italy.

15 Supporting Details & Transitions
Now, elaborate and provide details about the topics you introduced in the topic sentence. Think about the who, what, when or why of these topics and formulate these details into sentences. Don’t forget TRANSITIONS (See the back of your Cheeseburger notes!) Ex: First, Alison’s grandmother was born in Trivigliana, Italy, and she and her family have spent time visiting her in this old, tiny village with cobblestone streets. In addition, Alison enjoys Italian food, specifically ziti from Joe Bologna’s because it reminds her of her grandmother’s recipe that has been passed down to various family members.

16 Conclusion: Use a transition
Restate your topics/ideas discussed in the paragraph in a new way. Answer the “so what?” (Why do these things matter? How do they make this person unique/interesting?) Ex: Therefore, because Alison values her Italian heritage and plans on pursuing a medical degree in the future, she is an original person who has a lot to offer our class.

17 Example Interview Paragraph
Alison Hilton is a unique individual because she loves all things Italian and desires to be a doctor when she grows up. First, Alison’s grandmother was born in Trivigliana, Italy, and she and her family have spent time visiting her in this old, tiny village with cobblestone streets. In addition, Alison enjoys Italian food, specifically ziti from Joe Bologna’s because it reminds her of her grandmother’s recipe that has been passed down to various family members. Alison also wants to be a doctor because she enjoys helping people and has an interest in medicine. When she was 7, she began playing doctor with her cousin, making diagnoses and pretending to do checkups. This is what initially inspired her desire to become a doctor. Therefore, because Alison values her Italian heritage and plans on pursuing a medical degree in the future, she is an original person who has a lot to offer our class.

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