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HR Plans and Operations Course
Show Slide: IMPLEMENT DEPLOYED PERSONNEL Strength Reporting SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours/Methods 1hrs/00 mins Large Group Instruction 00 hrs/Practical Exercise (Performance) 1 hrs/00 mins Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: During this lesson we are going to discuss Preparing Personnel Readiness Data for the Commander Unit Status Report (CUSR) Method of Instruction. Conference/discussion Instructor to Student Ration: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Small Group Instruction INTRODUCTION. It is critical to the success of other organization to be able to implement deployed personnel Strength Reporting efficiently and effectively. The strength reporting process provides commanders with a snapshot of the personnel component of their combat power and capabilities. Every level of command develops their requirements for data elements reflected on the strength report. NOTE: Facilitate discussion to determine the students’ prior knowledge and experience with SR. Almost all students should have some experience. It is a fundamental HR task, but one that HR professionals often have a difficult time getting accurate. MOTIVATOR: Properly manning units and reporting personnel strength is vital to assuring the fulfillment of missions as a strategic element of national policy; it enhances predictability; and ensures that leaders have the people necessary to perform assigned tasks. Personnel Strength Reporting impacts the effectiveness of all Army organizations, regardless of size, and affects the ability to successfully accomplish all other HR core competencies and key functions. This is essential when determining rules of allocation and how to fill HR Squad and Postal Platoons. Apply HR Rules of Allocation Senior Leader Training Division Adjutant General School 8 March 2018
Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Apply Human Resources (HR) Rules of Allocation (ROA) CONDITIONS: Using classroom discussions, practical exercises, and FM 1-0, HR Support. STANDARD: Apply HR Rules of Allocation to a notional tactical scenario SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Review TLO with students. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment. Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Everyone is responsible for safety. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION: You will be evaluated on the HR Plans and Ops final exam.
What are Rules of Allocation (ROA)?
Rules of Allocation are part of the overall Force Management process Rules of Allocations are used as part of the Total Army Analysis to model operational requirements of units Rules of Allocation provide guidance on the number of HR units required to provide intended support. Three types of Allocation Rules: Manual: Theater requirement(s) Workload: Linked to a measurable logistical workload Existence: Linked to a requirement for one unit to another (i.e. a Theater Gateway requires an HR Company) SHOW SLIDE: HR RULES OF ALLOCATION The Army G-3 exercises responsibility for Force Management including: Developing rules of allocation with Army functional proponents Developing standard organizational designs Approving all Army organizations, with Assistant Secretary of the Army (ASA) for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) oversight Serve as lead for Total Army Analysis There are three basic types of ROA or Allocation Rules: · Direct input (manual) rules are stand-alone requirements for a unit in a theater. · Existence rules tie a requirement from one unit to another. Allocation of units based on the existence of other units, or a function of a theater’s physical or organizational structure. An example is the HRSC. One HRSC is allocated per Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) · Workload rules tie unit requirements to a measurable logistical workload or administrative services in proportion to the volume of those services. An example of this would be a Postal Platoon. One postal platoon is allocated per 6,000 personnel. Another example would be a Personnel Accountability Team (PAT). Current HR ROA provide for one PAT (HR Squad) per 600 personnel transiting through an APOD FM 1-0, Chapter 6
Applying Rules of Allocation (A Planning Process)
You ID what exists to perform that mission You apply the right rule to support that mission It starts with a Mission Requirement Capability ROA Kill the enemy platoon Take the hill Secure the area Infantry Armor Artillery 1 to 3 ratio Need 1 Co Inf to 1 Plt Enemy Provide postal support to appx. 17,000 authorized patrons in your AO HRSC MMT Tm Postal Platoon 1 Postal Plt per 6000 personnel 17K pax = 3 Postal Platoons SHOW SLIDE: APPLY RULES OF ALLOCATION (A PLANNING PROCESS) NOTE: This is a build slide that walks students through the application of the ROAs. 1 HR Sqd (CLT) per LV III MTF, Mortuary Affairs Co, HRSC, and Select GO HQ 1 LV III + 2 GO HQ = 3 HR Sqd (CLT) Provide casualty operations support to one CSH and two GO HQ in your AO HRSC COD HR Platoon/HR Sqd (CLT) HR Co HQ
HRSC TSC + + Rule One per TSC Existence TG PAT Rule One per inter- theater APOD Existence MMT TEAM Rule One per inter- theater APOD Existence MMT TM HR CO Rule One per TG PAT Existence TG PAT One per MMT Tm MMT TEAM HR PLT One per 3-7 *PLTs Workload HR COMPANY * HR, Postal or any combination Rule Two per TG PAT (1st 3,600 daily pax flow) - Existence One per 1,800 daily pax flow - Workload HR PLT HR SQD One HR Squad per 600 Existence (CLT) Level III MTF Mortuary Affairs Co *GO-Level Commands HRSC Casualty Operations Division * With exception to ASCC/TSC One per *600 personnel transiting through an intra-theater APOD Workload (PAT) HR PLATOON * When daily transit numbers exceed 600 daily Rule Four per MMT Team Existence MMT One per 6,000 personnel Workload PSTL PLT HR CO 6,000 PERSONNEL (Cumulative) POSTAL PLATOON
SRC 12 ROA and Postal Planning Factors
FM 1-0, paragraph 6-29 Standards Requirements Code (SRC) Type of Unit Allocation Rule Type 12682G000 HR Sustainment Center (HSRC) 1 per Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) Existence 12413G000 HR Company 1 per Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team 1 per Theater Gateway (TG) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) 1 per 3-7 Platoons (HR, Postal, or any combination) Workload 12567GF00 HR Platoon HR Squad (Casualty Liaison Team (CLT)) HR Squad (PAT) 2 per TG PAT (For the daily transit of the first 3,600 personnel in and out of theater) 1 per 1800 daily personnel flow 1 per Level III Medical Treatment Facility 1 per Mortuary Affairs Company 1 per HRSC Casualty Operations Division 1 per GO-level command (w/exception to ASCC/TSC) 1 per 600 personnel transiting through an intra-theater APOD (when daily transit numbers exceed 600 daily) 12567GB00 TG PAT 1 per inter-theater APOD 12356GA00 Postal Platoon 4 per MMT 1 per 6,000 personnel (i.e. cumulative population) 12567GA00 MMT Team Postal Planning Factors 2.0 lbs per Service member per day (mail volume) 20-foot container = 8,000 lbs of mail 40-foot container = 16,000 lbs of mail NA SHOW SLIDE: SRC 12 – RULES OF ALLOCATION NOTE: These are the corrected ROAs not found in FM Correction is to the ROA for the HR Squad (PAT). This slide depicts the various Rules of Allocation for SRC 12 organizations. HR organization rules of allocation allow HR planners to determine the number of HR units required to provide the intended support. These rules of allocation are also used in the Total Army Analysis system to model operational requirements of units.
PRACTICAL EXERCISES Apply HR Rules of Allocation
Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Apply Human Resources (HR) Rules of Allocation (ROA) CONDITIONS: Using classroom discussions, practical exercises, and FM 1-0, HR Support. STANDARD: Apply HR Rules of Allocation to a notional tactical scenario SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Review TLO with students. ACTION: Apply Human Resources (HR) Rules of Allocation (ROA) CONDITIONS: Using classroom discussions, practical exercises, and FM 1-0, HR Support STANDARD: 1. Correlate HR Rules of Allocation to a notional tactical scenario 2. Determine the correct number of HR units required to provide the intended support
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