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Presentation on theme: "THE ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT"— Presentation transcript:

What is a ‘system’? an arrangement of related and linked components that performs a specific task linked by flows of material tend to be characterized by change and complexity

2 1. Natural Systems biotic and abiotic components of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere that combine to form the natural environment provide material and process resources that support life on Earth called ecosystem services (e.g. clean air, water, ozone, food, and stable climate)

3 Resources: anything used by organisms to
meet their needs two types: 1. Material: renewable and nonrenewable 2. Process: transfer energy and matter among material resources (e.g. hydro cycle weathering and erosion, photosynthesis, decomposition, carbon cycle)

4 2. Human Systems cultural, social and economic components that combine to form human societies make decisions on how to best satisfy human wants (two types): 1. Needs: things required to survive 2. Desires: things that we know or believe will make us happy

5 decisions are shaped by values, expectations, perceptions, and attitudes
wants are unlimited while the environment and natural resources are limited this results in what economists refer to as the problem of scarcity scarcity creates competition among individuals and societies which leads to conflict and environmental and resource problems

6 Effective Environmental Planning and Management
focus needs to be placed on ‘managing’ human activities five things to consider when developing plans: Context: define the problem by gathering data and information on specific biophysical and human characteristics

7 ‘when one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world’ – John Muir important role of natural and social sciences will never have complete information, must proceed in the face of uncertainty implementation must be adapted to the unique conditions of a region (avoid standardized approaches - what works in one area will not necessarily work in another)

8 Vision: a view of the future, key features must be realistic, credible, desirable, and reflect shared ethics and values (backcast rather than forecast) Participatory: involves people (e.g. citizens, interest groups, private sector, experts) closest to the problem in the planning and decision-making process

9 Sustainability: the capacity of a natural and/or human system to endure over time (requires an ecological-economic approach) 5. Equity: no group receives a disproportionate share of the associated costs (intra and inter-generational)

10 purpose is to ultimately generate a product
Plans: outline a set of policies and actions that reflect a shared vision about how to resolve environmental and natural resource issues Planning involves a variety of processes and methods including: collaboration and coordination public participation and communication adaptive management impact and risk assessment dispute resolution (negotiation, mediation, arbitration)

11 CLIMATE CHANGE Is climate change the most pressing global environmental issue of our time?


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