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Welcome Back!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back!

2 Review yesterday… Welcome speakers State Presentations
Organization/Peer Session State Plan Open Mic

3 What will we do today? Share state plans Recommendations for ADD
National policy, laws, regulations supporting self-advocacy National activities to support self-advocacy Share recommendations Open mic


5 Goal #1: HOW? WHO? WHEN?

6 DELAWARE Self-Advocacy

7 Goal #1: HOW? WHO? WHEN?

8 District of Columbia Allies in Self-Advocacy Presentation March 19-20, 2012

9 Goal #1: HOW? WHO? WHEN?

10 New Hampshire The Granite State “Live Free or Die”

11 Goal #1: HOW? WHO? WHEN?


13 Goal #1: HOW? WHO? WHEN?

14 Self Advocacy Summit US Virgin Islands

15 Goal #1: HOW? WHO? WHEN?

16 almost heaven West Virginia

17 Goal #1: HOW? WHO? WHEN?

18 Allies in Self Advocacy CONNECTICUT
Baltimore Summit 2012

19 Goal #1: HOW? WHO? WHEN?


21 Break! . . . check out the State Sharing Tables!

22 Next: State Team Breakouts for National Recommendations
Discuss recommendations for ADD Are there policy recommendations for ADD? What actions could ADD take to support self-advocacy? Decide which recommendations are most important nationwide Cathy Introduce and turn over to Commissioner Sharon Lewis. 22

23 Sharon Lewis presenting:
Understanding Day #2’s National Recommendation

24 What’s the DD Act and DD Network?
‘DD Act’ = Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 DD Network is like a team that you play on. If one of the players on the team doesn’t do their job, then the rights of people with developmental disabilities might not be protected. Sharon Lewis presenting: What is the ‘DD Act’? There’s a bill that congress passed in 2000 that is called the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of We call it the ‘DD Act’. The Developmental Disabilities network is like a team that you play on. Everyone has a job to do on the team. If one of the players on the team doesn’t do their job, then the rights of people with developmental disabilities might not be protected. The players on the team are . . .

25 Captain of the team The Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Makes sure everyone does their jobs and follows The DD Act gives money to the DD Councils, UCEDDs, and P&As Sharon Lewis presenting: The Administration on Developmental Disabilities in charge of the DD network, or the captain of the team. They are in charge of the team and make sure everyone does their jobs and follows The DD Act, and they give money to the DD Councils, UCEDDs, and P&As.

26 The Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council)
develops a state plan for DD funds projects in the state helps legislators understand the needs of people with DD support state self-advocacy groups Sharon Lewis presenting: The Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council) develops a state plan for DD, funds projects in the state that help people with DD and families have the lives they want to live, and helps legislators understand needs of people with DD so helpful policies and laws can be made. They also must support state self-advocacy groups with money and leadership tools

27 Trains college students and help community providers
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) Researchers Trains college students and help community providers share information about DD with the community help legislators understand needs of people with DD Sharon Lewis presenting: University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) does research that proves the best way to support people and families, they train college students to work with people with disabilities, they train and help community providers work better with people with DD, and share information about DD with the community. They also help legislators understand needs of people with DD so helpful policies and laws can be made UCEDD’s might be called by different names in the states.

28 The Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As)
to make sure services are safe help make conditions better for people give information about services and programs in the state help people access the DD services they have a right to get Sharon Lewis presenting: The Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As) Their role is to use lawyers and advocates in institutions, group homes and sheltered workshops to make sure services are safe and help make conditions better for people. They also give information about services and programs in the state, and have a way to help people access the DD services they have a right to get. P&A’s might be called another name like Disability Rights, Law, or Advocacy in your state.

29 Projects of National Significance (PNS) not organizations
they are projects that focus on a few of the most important issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families across the country   Sharon Lewis presenting: Projects of National Significance (PNS) are not organizations; they are projects that focus on a few of the most important issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families across the country. ADD awards grants and contracts to do these projects, however there is only a little amount of money that goes to them.

30 The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (The DD Act) Assures that individuals with DD And their families Participate in the design of And have access to… Needed community services Individualized supports Other assistance Promotes Self-determination, Independence, Productivity, Integration and Inclusion In all facets of Community life Through culturally competent programs Sharon Lewis presenting:

31 Sharon Lewis presenting:
Things that ADD can do and things they canNOT do. This will help everyone to know what types of recommendations are realistic. A focus on the things that they can do in their states to increase the probability of recommendations happening nationwide would also be good to mention

32 Where Do We Go? State Room Connecticut Galena District of Columbia
Essex C Delaware James Maryland Harbor AB (right here) New Hampshire Heron Puerto Rico Essex A Virgin Islands Iron West Virginia Essex B Connecticut: Zach & Liz Delaware: Savannah & Nachama District of Columbia: Ian & Stacey Maryland: Sheryl New Hampshire: Jaime & Julie Puerto Rico: George Virgin Islands: Dawn West Virginia: Betty & Hillary

33 Lunch

34 What are your recommendations?
State teams report back to large group #1 and #2 Policy Recommendations #1 and #2 Action Recommendations and how they would look? 34


36 DELAWARE Self-Advocacy

37 District of Columbia Allies in Self-Advocacy Presentation March 19-20, 2012

38 New Hampshire The Granite State “Live Free or Die”


40 Self Advocacy Summit US Virgin Islands

41 almost heaven West Virginia

42 Allies in Self Advocacy CONNECTICUT
Baltimore Summit 2012

43 Open Mic What did you learn? What went well?
What could be done better? What are you excited about?

44 Final Thoughts Closing comments from Sharon Lewis, ADD Commissioner
On your way out: Complete the evaluation in your folder, and leave on your table Check to be sure you have everything that belongs to you Recycle name tags on your way out Travel safely! At home: Make progress on the state plan Follow up evaluation from HSRI


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