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Mercury & The Inner Planets

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Presentation on theme: "Mercury & The Inner Planets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mercury & The Inner Planets

2 Terrestrial planets The first four planets closest to the sun are the terrestrial planets . The terrestrial planets consist of Mercury being the first closest to the sun, then Venus, Earth, and Mars. The inner planets are all mostly made up of rocky, metallic materials, iron, and silicon.

3 The inner planets are small and have rocky surfaces
The inner planets are small and have rocky surfaces. Earth being the biggest of the terrestrial planets. Of the inner planets Mercury is the smallest. Mercury is so small one year on mercury is only 88 days to where earth has 365 ½ days in a year. Mars has the most moons of the inner planets.


5 Mercury Mercury has no moons. Mercury is the smallest planet of the terrestrial planet with a diameter of only 4,879km. When mercury is facing the sun its surface temperature is 430 degrees Celsius , this is because of it has no atmosphere. The side opposite of the sun is at -170degrees Celsius. 450 × 480 -

6 Mercury This is a picture of a diagram showing where mercury is in our solar system.




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