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Aaron Kennedy, Xiquan Dong, and Baike Xi University of North Dakota

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1 Aaron Kennedy, Xiquan Dong, and Baike Xi University of North Dakota
A Comparison of Atmospheric State, cloud, radiation and precipitation between NARR, MERRA, and ARM Forcing Aaron Kennedy, Xiquan Dong, and Baike Xi University of North Dakota Shaocheng Xie, DOE PNNL Junye Chen, NASA GSFC

2 Motivation and Goals NARR and MERRA Reanalysis datasets are widely used for a variety of studies, however, their uncertainties are not quite clear. In this study, we compare these two popular reanalysis datasets with ARM forcing over SGP from 1999 to 2001 Atmospheric State (RH, vertical motion) Radiation fluxes (Surface) Cloud Fraction Precipitation ARM continuous forcing developed from RUC-2 model and with ARM observed surface/TOA fluxes and precipitation as constraints, which ensures energy budget in balance.

3 Domain/Methodology Data averaged for GCM sized box (2°×2.5°) centered on the ARM SGP NARR 210 km horizontal resolution, 28 vertical levels, and 3h temporal MERRA 2D 2/3°×1/2°, 1h Atm. state 3D: 1.25°×1.25°, 6h Everything else

4 3-yr averaged Atmospheric State (RH)
ARM NARR MERRA Similar patterns for mean RHs in troposphere ARM slightly moister in boundary layer NARR and MERRA moister in upper troposphere during different months compared to ARM RHs

5 Atmospheric State (ω) ARM NARR MERRA
(-) upward motion, (+) downward motion Significant differences between all datasets ARM has large upward maximum in upwelling during late spring NARR and MERRA have weaker upward motion during late spring and large subsidence during summer. The model simulations could be significant difference based off the different forcing inputs.

6 Correlations with Cloud Fraction
Omega RH MAX, MEAN ARM: -0.47,-0.37 NARR: -0.34,-0.27 MERRA: -0.39,-0.33 MAX, MEAN ARM: 0.59,0.48 NARR: 0.56,0.44 MERRA: 0.56,0.49 Omega: Highest correlations for ARM forcing, then followed by MERRRA and finally NARR RH: ARM slightly higher, but virtually the same for NARR/MERRA

7 Radiative Fluxes (Surface SW)
NARR Both NARR and MERRA have very high correlation ( ) with ARM data. However, both NARR and MERRA have biases as follow: MERRA vs. NARR SWUP (-4 vs. 37 W m-2) SWDN (29 vs. 74 W m-2) Due partially to negative bias for MERRA at low solar zenith angles (see diurnal cycle on next slide) SWUP SWDN MERRA

8 Diurnal cycle of surface SW down
(240) (192) (212)

9 Radiative Fluxes (SFC LW)
The correlations for LW fluxes (0.97) are even higher than SW fluxes MERRA has lower bias for LWUP (1 vs. 11 W m-2) and higher bias for LWDN (-18 vs. -8 W m-2) MERRA has less tail at high values of LW flux. NARR MERRA LWUP LWDN

10 Cloud Fraction Total Middle Low (>700mb) High (<400mb) ARM observations plotted with min/max overlaps (two blue lines) Max. overlap is probably closer to reality for low clouds layer NARR underestimates CF at all levels (red line) MERRA has reasonable total CF (green line) High CF in decent agreement except during summer (July-Aug) Low and mid level CFs lower than observations

11 Precipitation NARR in excellent agreement with ARM
Monthly Daily NARR NARR in excellent agreement with ARM MERRA underestimates many high precipitation events leading towards negative bias at monthly timescale MERRA

12 Monthly Precipitation
01/1999 12/2001 Despite negative bias, MERRA captures monthly variability of precipitation well.

13 Summary Compared to the 3-yr ARM SGP observations, we have the following results for NARR and MERRA 1) Atmospheric State: RH: Both NARR and MERRA are similar to ARM ω : Significant differences between the three datasets 2) SW and LW fluxes: MERRA has smaller bias than NARR 3) Cloud Fraction: MERRA agrees reasonably well with ARM, but NARR underestimates CF 4) Precipitation: NARR has an excellent agreement with ARM, but MERRA underestimates precipitation

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