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WINTER OUTLOOKS 2018/2019 Alban Joyeau ENSTO-E Lukas Galdikas ENTSO-E

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Presentation on theme: "WINTER OUTLOOKS 2018/2019 Alban Joyeau ENSTO-E Lukas Galdikas ENTSO-E"— Presentation transcript:

1 WINTER OUTLOOKS 2018/2019 Alban Joyeau ENSTO-E Lukas Galdikas ENTSO-E
Jacques Reberol ENTSOG Natalia Romero ENTSOG Claire Camus, Moderator ENTSO-E

2 1 2 3 4 5 Programme Introduction Winter Supply Outlook (ENTSOG)
Winter Outlook (ENTSO-E) Questions Conclusions and next steps

3 What do the outlooks tell you?
Role of interconnections Influence of external factors: weather, market conditions, consumer behaviour… Sensitivity analysis: look for severe case scenario (1 out of 20 years) & see how system reacts Review of the previous season for a deeper understanding and improvements

4 Winter Supply Outlook 2018/19 and Review 2017/18
Jacques Reberol Natalia Romero

5 Winter Review 2017/2018 Winter 2017/2018 was marked by an extreme cold event in February/March GAS Infrastructure During the last week of February and the first week of March four countries in Europe declared an early warning situation and the gas sector managed to cope with this belated cold spell showing robustness and flexibility Power Generation The share of gas in the generation of electricity has slightly decreased in the last two years from 20% to 19%. Power Generation Share (EU28) Winter UGS Utilisation (% WGV) W12/13 66 W13/14 38 W14/15 67 W15/16 49 W16/17 W17/18 71 = 190 TWh

6 Winter Supply Outlook 2018-19 Concept
Assumptions Reference Winter 1-in-2 year demand and NP as foreseen; 30% target for UGS inventory level on 1st April Supplies: flex based on last 5 years history Cold Winter Highest demand since 2009/10 (as SoS simul) LNG: flex based on level since 2009/10 High demand cases: Design Case + 2W Cold Spell L-gas zones modelled Supply situation the storage level on 1st October is in the average of the last 5 years Indigenous production keeps on decreasing

7 Winter Supply Outlook 2018-19 Results
For a 1-in-2 year winter 30% UGS target achievable For cold winter the situation further injection is necessary Flexibility ensured by UGSs and high LNG supply EU storage level on 1st April could drop Under 24% without storage refill in October Even lower if high LNG supply does not materialise The European gas infrastructure offers sufficient flexibility across the season and can supply EU neighbouring countries with significant volumes of gas. Security of supply remains a point of attention, today… and in the future. The report also indicates that the European gas system offers enough flexibility in North-West Europe to satisfy an increase in gas demand for power generation.

8 High Demand Situation and Ukrainian Transit Disruption
During the 2-week Cold Spell: No demand curtailment but Finland still shows low Remaining Flexibility below 20%. Some countries in the South-East Europe could face demand curtailment. Also, all exports to Ukraine are maintained. 8

9 ENTSO-E Winter Outlook 2018/2019
Lukas Galdikas, System Development Adviser, ENTSO-E

10 Operational decisions
Different risks addressed with different timeframes TYNDP MAF Seasonal RSCs‘ Week ahead Long term Mid term Short term >10 years 10 years 5 years 1 year 6 months 1 week Investment decisions Policy decisions Operational decisions REAL TIME UNCERTAINTY INCREASES

11 Seasonal Outlooks- Stepwise approach
Inputs from TSOs and pan-European databases European constraining scenarios synchronous peak (upward) → Wednesdays 7 pm low demand with high RES (downward) → Sundays 5 am and 11 am Focused analysis on weeks flagged at risk Probabilistic approach using numerous situations (temperature, wind...) Aim is to estimate the probability that an issue could occur Main drivers are identified

12 Lack of margin is not a blackout
Balance in Day-Ahead including reserves Scope of Winter Outlook Intraday Measures Partial & Controlled demand shedding Controlled partial shedding Is 100% of demand met in day-ahead market? Strategic reserves Out of market demand response Grid exceptional measures

13 Evolution of Europe’s generation mix
Gas power plant capacity has increased after a fall recorded last winter Acceleration of new RES installation

14 Winter Outlook Context
Nuclear unavailability Unforeseen maintenance and delays together with countermeasures are considered. Countermeasures Hydro reservoir levels near average in Europe But low river levels in south Germany

15 Winter Outlook- Severe Conditions
Adequacy at pan-European synchronous peak demand time Out of market measures excluded Regional cooperation is a key – potential need for out of market measures Weeks 2-5

16 Vigilance needed in case of cold wave
Probabilistic assessment on week 3 of 2019 Vigilance needed in case of cold wave Belgium France Italy (Northern & Central-North) When temperature and wind are low When temperature is low When temperature is low in Europe

17 Regional Coordination is key – example in CWE
Electricity Coordination Group Pentalateral Energy Forum Political Level ENTSO-E Technical Level RSC RSC European studies and coordination

18 What for future Seasonal Outlooks?
Prepare future implementation of Clean Energy Package, especially on Risk Preparedness Extend coordination with week ahead adequacy performed by Regional Security Coordinators Prepare further steps for Seasonal Outlook full probabilistic hourly modelling in similar way as in Mid-term Adequacy Forecast

19 Break of 5 minutes

20 Time for questions/answers

21 Takeaways ENTSOs seasonal outlooks are unique pan-European, system wide, security of supply analysis Methodologies are continuously improving and cooperation is enhancing Adequacy assessed in: Electricity system under severe conditions Gas system under extreme cold events or in case of supply route disruptions Adequacy situation close monitoring needed in case of cold spell in January–February

22 Thank you for your attention
Please send any questions to: – about ENTSO-E’s Winter Outlook – about ENTSOG’s Winter Supply Outlook

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