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Electricity Summary Current and charge Q = I x t

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity Summary Current and charge Q = I x t"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity Summary Current and charge Q = I x t
Potential difference V = E / Q Resistance R = V/I Current and potential difference graphs Component characteristics and ohms law( bulb, diode, LDR, thermistor) Series and Parallel circuits

2 Electricity Topics Equations you need to learn Circuit symbols
Electric charge and current Current, Potential difference and resistance Calculating resistance Resistance of fixed resistor, filament lamp, diode and VI curves Using thermistors and LDR’s in circuits and how resistance of these components is changed Series and parallel circuits. Rules for current and p.d. Resistors in series and parallel. Overall resistance of the circuit if resistors are added in series or parallel. Equations you need to learn charge flow = current × time (Q = I t) potential difference = current × resistance (V = I R) Key points to remember: Make sure you know each equation and how it is used. Learn what each quantity is in the equation Learn what the units each for each quantity Make sure you can rearrange the equation

3 Electric circuits Useful web links (bbc bitesize)
Video below only first 7 minutes for circuits

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