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Changes In States.

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1 Changes In States

2 Melting To explain the movement of particles in the process of _____________.  Melting  (a)   Melting: ___________ state  __________ state. melting solid liquid liquid solid

3 Explanation using KPT absorb energy vibrate overcome
When a solid is heated, the solid particles will ________ the heat and gain ________ to ___________ more vigorously. When enough heat is applied, the solid particles vibrates so vigorously that they are able to ___________ the_______________________ holding the solid particles. When this happen, the solid has turned into a _________; ________ has taken place. energy vibrate overcome forces of attraction liquid melting

4 Reading a Melting Curve
Note: This curve is only true for a pure compound An experiment can be carried out and the result of the melting can be plotted as shown: Temperature (ºC) Melting starts Temperature remains constant Melting completes Time from start (min) Melting point (69°C) SOLID SOLID + LIQUID LIQUID A B C D

5 Reading the melting curve
Graph shows how temperature of substance changes with time during melting when it is heated steadily. 1. AB the substance is completely ______________. 2. Point B - ____________ begins at _________. ( The first drop of ________ appears). 3. BC ________ continues to take place. The substance exists as a ________ of _____ and __________. 4. Point C – The last drop of _________ is formed. 5. CD – The substance is completely __________ ( )  solid melting 690C liquid melting mixture solid liquid liquid liquid molten

6 Think…… Why does the temperature remain constant between B and C even though heat is continuously supplied? Ans: The heat is used to overcome the forces of attraction holding the solid particles instead of causing the temperature to rise.

7 Boiling To explain the movement of particles in the process of _____________. Boiling  (a)   Melting: ___________ state  __________ state. boiling liquid gaseous gaseous liquid

8 Explanation using KPT absorb energy vibrate overcome
When a liquid is heated, the liquid particles will ________ the heat and gain ________ to ___________ more vigorously. When enough heat is applied, the liquid particles vibrates so vigorously that they are able to ___________ the_______________________ holding the liquid particles. When this happen, the liquid has turned into a _________; ________ has taken place. energy vibrate overcome forces of attraction gas boiling

9 Reading a Boiling Curve
Note: This curve is only true for a pure compound An experiment can be carried out and the result of the melting can be plotted as shown: temperature (ºC) time from start (min) X Y 74ºC W

10 Reading the boiling curve
Graph shows how temperature of substance changes with time during melting when it is heated steadily. 1. WX the substance is completely ______________. 2. Point X - ____________ begins at _________. ( The first drop of ________ appears). 3. XY ________ continues to take place. The substance exists as a ________ of _____ and __________. 4. Point Y – The last drop of ________change into _________ state. 5. Beyond Y – The substance is completely __________ liquid boiling 740C gas boiling mixture gas liquid liquid gaseous gaseous

11 Exercise: Combination of melting & boiling curve
Time from start / min Tempt / 0C 40 60 120 completely gas Mixture of liquid & gas boiling point, 120oC Mixture of solid & liquid completely liquid completely solid melting point, 60oC

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