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By the Waters of Babylon

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1 By the Waters of Babylon
Mood and Tone

2 Mood Define, Identify

3 Mood The atmosphere or predominant emotion in a literary work.
The emotional response of the reader to the text.

4 Identifying Mood Find a passage in the story that has a mood that is menacing or foreboding and highlight the passage in your copy of the story. Identify words and images in the passage that help create a mood that is menacing or foreboding . In the passage, circle the diction and put a box around the imagery . Copy the chart and fill in the words from your passage

5 Mood Chart Diction (word choice)
Imagery (images that appeal to the senses) EX: afraid, afraid “it gripped my raft with its hands”

6 Tone Define, Identify, Analyze

7 Tone The author’s, writer’s, or speaker’s attitude toward a subject, character, or audience. Conveyed primarily through the choice of diction, imagery, details, figures of speech, and syntax. For this purpose, we will refer to the “speaker” who is John.

8 Identifying Tone through diction, imagery, and detail
Using the same passage you chose for mood, identify the speaker’s tone of powerlessness, foreboding, or uncertainty Identify and underline diction, imagery, and detail (information about the story in the text) in the passage that supports the tone. Copy the chart and fill in

9 Tone Chart Tone Diction Imagery Details Powerlessness Foreboding

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