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26th January rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

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Presentation on theme: "26th January rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A"— Presentation transcript:

1 26th January 2014 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

2 Gospel: Matthew Ch. 4: 12 – 17

3 Jesus begins his work in Galilee

4 After being baptised Jesus started his “Mission”.

5 Each one of us has a Mission to accomplish.
John arrested; his mission is over. Jesus replaces John and starts His mission.

6 Jesus went to Galilee, land of Gentiles.

7 The Gentiles were in darkness – because of Jesus, they saw the light.

8 Darkness means “death”, the death of the soul.

9 Light shines: the Peace of the soul, the message of Jesus is received and welcomed.

10 Am I living in the darkness or in the light?

11 I started a “New Year”, am I trying to be better
I started a “New Year”, am I trying to be better? Remember, I cannot remain the same. I am either better or worse.

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