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Important End of the Year Information

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1 Important End of the Year Information
This week’s objectives: Reading: We can make a connection from a story to our personal lives. Writing: We can write a Kindergarten Memory Book. Math:  We can work in small groups to focus on MAP testing skills. PBL: We can create a city or town as a class and draw a map of it. Important Dates May 17th- t-shirt money due ($7.50) May 21st- Mrs. Santucci out May 23rd- Field day 9am – 1pm May 25th- Moving up 10:30 May 31st- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Early Release at 11 Important End of the Year Information If you have any of my guided reading books please return them to school ASAP. T-shirt Money was due last Thursday, if you have not paid please do so otherwise your child will not have a matching t-shirt for Fridays ceremony. If you did not return your child’s 3rd quarter report card (the lime green paper) please sign and return it ASAP. Report Cards will go home on the last day of school.

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