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Cell Cycle/Mitosis 1.2.

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1 Cell Cycle/Mitosis 1.2

2 Genetic Material (DNA) in Cells
Under normal conditions the DNA of cells is located in the nucleus as long thin strings called chromatin. During cell division the DNA begins to thicken and coil around proteins called histones. These structures are called chromosomes. When the cell is ready to divide the DNA chromosome makes a copy of itself. Each copy is called a chromatid. These are held together by a centromere.


4 Cell Cycle-The entire life cycle of a cell.
G1 Cell Division S Copy DNA G2

5 Interphase: 3 parts. This includes cell growth and copying of DNA
Interphase: 3 parts. This includes cell growth and copying of DNA. G1, S, G2 DNA is in chromatin form for most of interphase. G1 and G2: The cell is growing and working S : Copies DNA

6 Mitosis-Dividing the DNA / Happens in between interphases.
Prophase-Chromosomes thicken, form, and join to form chromatids Metaphase-Chromatids line up on the equator (centrioles in animal cells move chromosomes) Anaphase- Spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart and away Telophase-The nucleus reforms around the separate DNA Cytokinesis-Splitting of the cytoplasm.

7 Steps of Mitosis

8 Each daughter cell has a copy of the genetic material and half of the cytoplasm. The daughter cells are identical to the parent cell so this is asexual reproduction.



11 Why do cells divide? Size! Cells get too large to move nutrients, etc. to the organelles. Small cells can transport things easier inside the cell to and from the nucleus. Receptor proteins and carbohydrates on the outside of the cell tell them when to stop growing and start dividing.

12 Cancer KW chart Turn your paper over. On the blank side, divide into two sections. Label the first section KNOW and the second section WANT to KNOW As a table list everything you already KNOW about cancer (5 minutes) As a table write at least 4 questions you want to know about cancer (5 minutes) Cancer Animations

13 Cancer Animation 1 and 2 News Alerts Description/Type of Cancer
Factors: Genetic or Environment?

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