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On the Way with Understanding Room: Dallas 4:15-7:15

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1 On the Way with Understanding Room: Dallas 4:15-7:15
Summer Institute 2018 On the Way with Understanding Room: Dallas 4:15-7:15

2 Class Requirements and Registration (4:25-4:30)
Registration information is in your packets. You must register online by 5:00 Friday, August 3rd. Gwen will post grades on Saturday, August the 4th-License Renewal. IESBVI Summer Institute completion certificate does not work for license renewal documentation. The BOEE will need a transcript from Heartland Professional Development.

3 Website Activity (4:30-4:50)
Review vision related websites Handout of websites and for writing responses Answer the following questions for each website visited: 3 things I learned are: 2 questions I have are: 1 thing I will apply is: Please put your 2 questions with your name on the chart paper so that we can make sure we get them answered. Share learning

4 Website Exploration Websites APH
CVI Pathways to Literacy Washington School for the Blind wssb/services/video-clips/ Texas School for the Blind Home Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired Perkins School for the Blind Home Videos

5 Lesson Plan and Accommodations with Case Studies (4:50-5:15)
Model-Expanded Core Curriculum Lesson Plan (I Do, We Do, You Do) Discuss accommodations Class will divide into groups of 3 and complete the following: Read or watch either Case Study 1 (handout) or 2 ( MIVI website) Discuss as a group what accommodations this student might need in your classroom. Write a lesson plan for this student to teach a concept from your classroom using the I Do, We Do, You Do model in the Lesson Plan (handout) Choose a spokes person to share you lesson with the entire group.

6 Expanded Core Curriculum Lesson Plan (Before)

7 After the Lesson Reflections
How did the student respond to the lesson? Reflect on the impact of the instructional design of your lesson. If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do differently? What will be your next steps?

8 Case Study 1 (5:15-5:45) Typically Developing Student
The student is a 5 year old female in the first grade. Her eye condition is Leber's Congenital Amauros. This condition that may result in students having low vision, legally blind, or totally blind. This student has enough vision to read print, but it is slow and the print must be enlarged to 26 point font. She cannot read anything in the distance. The student is currently learning to read Braille. The student has a large vocabulary, is very independent and displays behavior typical of a 5 year old.

9 Case Study 2: Student with Severe Additional Disabilities
Read/watch The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for Literacy and Disability Studies: Deaf-Blind Student Case studies Paths to Literacy Case Studies

10 Tactile Map (5:45-6:15) Model sighted guide
Blindfolded student will walk using sighted guide from the meeting room to the selected conference room from the container. One partner will be blindfolded. One partner will provide sighted guide. With the blindfold on the team members work together using the tactile map for the blindfolded partner to determine how to get to the selected conference room. Braille and print will be provided.  Once the team has determined how to get to the selected conference room, the partner under the blindfold must direct the “sighted guide” where to go. Once the team has reached the room, the blindfolded partner must tell the sighted guide how to get back. Switch the blindfold to the other partner and repeat the process with a newly selected location.

11 Examine the Tactile Maps (6:15-6:45)
What are some thing to consider from the student’s perspective as it relates to the following on the tactile maps? What are some thing to consider from the para/teacher/other students’ perspective as it relates to the following on the tactile maps? Texture Labeling Braille condition Size/locations Key Print/Braille Other?

12 Routines for Students with Severe Additional Disabilities
Open Link - APH Manuals for SLK Guidebook and Routines Book pdfs Active Alert Routines Help the learner develop intentional behaviors as he attempts to interact with media and partners. Help the learner anticipate a predictable event associated with a specific object. Help the learner expand his repertoire of interactions by encouraging imitation of actions initiated by the partner. Demonstrate a routine for an active alert student

13 Steps to Active Alert Level Routine
1. Take object from anticipation container. Strategy: This is the learner’s “beginning” cue. The object is presented in a distinctive container unlike any container used for any other purpose. The learner begins to understand that when an object is presented in this container it means we are about to do the activity associated with that object. 2. Go to the appropriate area. 3. Get in best position for activity. 4. Explore stimulus after presentation by partner. 5. Manipulate stimulus to create desired result. (See specific routine template.) 6. Imitate action on object or movement modeled by partner. (See specific routine template.) 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 as appropriate to continue activity. 8. Put object in “finished” container.

14 Routines Continued Develop a routine for a student using one of the items on the table and complete the handout. In the book on pages 55 (PDF) and forward have examples. Teams should determine who is the teacher and who is the student. Teacher should model the lesson with the student and watch for a response. Determine if any changes should be made to the routine. Process experience: What challenged you? How could you use this in your classroom (Level III)

15 Teaching a Task to a Student Who is Totally Blind (6:45-7:10)
As a group complete a lesson plan teaching one of the specific tasks below. Implement your lesson plan and record feedback. Make a PB and J sandwich Make bed Count to 50 on the abacus, as well as add and subtract (see handout) Writing on a Perkins Brailler (Put paper in and write name)

16 Conclusion Questions or clarifications needed Register by…
Gwen will post grades by… The documentation the BOEE will require for license renewal is…

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