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every Board meeting: how are measures?

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Presentation on theme: "every Board meeting: how are measures?"— Presentation transcript:

1 every Board meeting: how are measures?
all “big deals” – now have measures getting serious: peer review of 38 projects training 300+ staff in 15 countries 1

2 Learned: must talk common sense (and $$ sense) lack expertise
too many indicators no sense of “control” So we reacted by 2

3 investment guidance SWAT teams online training “measures fellows” 3

4 we will make our information open access by 2015, or….
1024 projects in ConPro only 190 public we will make our information open access by 2015, or…. Gulf of Mexico oil blow-out: share all data 4

5 solution: connection to people thus, must measure impacts on people
Conservation is marginalized solution: connection to people thus, must measure impacts on people (we are hiring social scientist & partnering with RFF to learn how) 5

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