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Software Project Management

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1 Software Project Management

2 Lecturer Name: Safa’a Albassam Location: Building 26, Office 3
You have to send from your academic only Every time you send an it should include Your name The course name Website:

3 Resources  Text Book: Brewer, Jeffrey L., Dittman, Kevin C., Methods of IT Project Management, Prentice Hall (Pearson), ISBN: , 2010 Kathy Schwalbe , Information Technology Project Management, 6th edition ,Thomson Course Technology , ISBN: , ISBN-13: Software: MS Project 2010 Reference: Handouts, notes, and the text book

4 Assessment Plan for the Course:
Quizzes                    10%   Midterm  exams      35% Lab %  Final Exam            40% Total                      100%

5 Course Topics: Week# Topic 2 Chapter1: Intro to PM 3
Chapter2:Systems View /Methodology Chapter3:The Project Management Framework 4 Chapter4:Project Initiation 5 Chapter5.2:Project Scope and Human Resource Planning 6 7 Chapter6.1.:Project Time and Cost Planning 8 Chapter6.2: Project Time and Cost Planning 9 Chapter7:Project Quality and Communications Planning 10 Chapter8:Project Risk Management Planning 11 Chapter9: Project Procurement Planning 12 Chapter10: Project Execution 13 review 14  Project discussions

6 Attendance Policy 10 minutes late student will be marked as absent.
25% absence will cause detention .

7 Other policies Late assignments will be not accepted.
Assignments with Plagiarism is marked as ZERO. Mobile phones should be silenced and out of sight. When you are absent from an tutorial (For a certified medical excuse) submitted within one week from the evaluation date. Missed Midterm exams can be made up in cases of extreme circumstances (Formal medical report) and it covers all chapters.

8 Good Luck !!

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