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Using Video and Technology in the Classroom - Introduction

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1 Using Video and Technology in the Classroom - Introduction

Preview 1 Welcome to this workshop on using video and technology in the classroom. In this workshop you will learn how to integrate technology in the English language classroom for young learners while also becoming familiar with the video and technology components of the Our World program. In order to prepare your young learners for the demands of the 21st century, it is essential to integrate technology into the English language classroom. Sometimes technology can be intimidating, especially when you know that your students are digital natives and can use technology more easily than you. However, this should not stop you from using technology. Instead, it should motivate you to master it, so you can give your young learners the most effective and engaging instruction possible. In addition, as educators we have the responsibility to prepare our students to be successful adults in the 21st century, which means using all the technology available to us and giving our students the chance to build their digital and technological literacy.

3 Kinds of instructional technology:
_______________________ _______________________ Preview 2 Distribute Handout 13.1. First, let’s focus on the different types of technology you use and what technology is available for use in your context. Work in pairs. On Handout 13.1 list all the different types of instructional technology you can think of. Then put a check next to the ones that are available to you. Underline the ones you actually use, and circle ones you need more training in order to use effectively. Share the results with your partner. Give participants five minutes to complete the task, and then ask them to share their answers. Type some of the answers on the screen. Then go over the answers one by one and ask by a show of hands how many people have the technology available, how many actually use the technology, and how many feel they need more training for the technology. Keep this information in mind for this workshop and possible future workshops.

4 Watch the Video Video Play the Video.

5 _________________________________________
List the components of Our World that will help you be a 21st-century teacher. _________________________________________ Review Answers: Video Program on DVD Interactive whiteboard activities OR Classroom Presentation Tool Games and activities on CD-ROM Our World Website with games and activities

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