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Challenges of Immigration & Urbanization

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1 Challenges of Immigration & Urbanization
What issues did many new immigrants & city dwellers face at the turn of the century?

2 Immigration to the US As US industrialized, millions immigrate through the “golden door” Europeans 20 million immigrate from (Ireland, Eastern & Southern Europe) Chinese & Japanese About 500K immigrate from (Page Act put quotas on Asian Immigration) Mexicans About 700K immigrate from , recruited by US Gov for field work in SW

3 Ellis Island, NY Immigrants arriving from Europe went to Ellis Island & were subject to: 1) Medical Examination: check for contagious or debilitating diseases (48hr quarantine if needed) 2) Personal Questioning: criminal record, finances, politics, work Whole process took about 5-6 hours About 20% detained for a day & 2% rejected

4 Angel Island, CA Immigrants from Asia went through Angel Island (SF) Since Congress passed the Page Act & Chinese Exclusion Act, Asian immigrants were subject to: Medical exams (quarantined for 14 days if anything was suspicious) Discuss: How as Angel Island different from Ellis island & why? 2. Harsh personal questioning: criminal record, finances – could be detained months 50% detained, 25% rejected

5 Backlash to immigration
Nativist organizations want to slow immigration & get rid of the wrong type of immigrant Many immigrants were forced into ethnic enclaves Rebirth of the KKK Ku Klux Klan, which started as anti-black gains momentum due to immigration backlash

6 Assimilation As immigration increases, a nationwide movement called Americanization gains popularity Goal: assimilate immigrants into the dominant “American” culture Problem: Since immigrants forced into enclaves most groups keep own languages & customs

7 Challenges of Urbanization
Due to rise in population & lack of space, tenement housing is built Tenements lacked clean water, sanitation and electricity (more disease & fires) Rampant crime in cities, many areas controlled by gangs, police need new methods to deal with crime

8 Social Gospel Movement
Preached salvation by helping the poor Reformers establish settlement housing (places to help poor) Most well known: Hull House in Chicago founded by Jane Addams

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