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Why are CST Star Testing so Important?

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Presentation on theme: "Why are CST Star Testing so Important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are CST Star Testing so Important?
A test about your present and your future.

2 BUT IT IS! Another Test! SO WHAT!?!
CST or STAR testing may not seem important or related to you. BUT IT IS!

3 Its about the school and YOU!
It's a measure of how well the school is teaching it's students and a reflection on what you have learned during the school year.

4 WARNING! No one is born stupid or smart. Intelligence is created through learning. Learning takes practice and work.

5 However, STAR testing is more than that!
It determines what classes you go to next year: Scoring low on this test indicates that you still have not mastered the knowledge necessary to go to the next level in your education. So you must take a class that repeats this material, ideally at a slower pace. Imagine doing the same thing every year!

6 Some Students Don’t Get Electives!
That means NO: When you score badly on CSTs or STAR testing, you might have to take remedial classes to help support you in the learning material lost in your previous educational years.

7 Don’t Panic! There is still TIME to learn what you need to know for this exam.

8 Things To Remember! Don’t over think this. You know, or will soon be familiar with, the material. You don’t have to be a genius to pass this test! Having an overall idea about the material presented this year will be enough. Everyone in the US is taking this test but how well you practice, ask questions, and work is up to you! Practice!

9 Preparing For the Test Test-Taking Tips
Test Prep isn’t a substitute for lack of knowledge, but you need to know what to expect and how to best approach a big test. Here are tried and true strategies that help in the testing clinch: Pay close attention to directions, and should note, highlight or underline any words that may assist them in answering the questions. Preview the questions prior to reading the assigned passage. This helps know what you are looking for when you read the text. First, rule out answers you know are incorrect. It will then be easier to figure out the correct answer. Pay attention to time. Go through and answer questions about material you are more familiar with. Then go back and answer the more challenging questions. It’s better to guess than have a blank answer.

10 On the Week of the Test – Minimize Anxiety!
Even a well-prepared student can feel pre-test anxiety. Relax and view the test as a chance to show what you have learned. It’s natural to feel a little nervous . The important thing is to TRY YOUR BEST. The Day Before: A good night’s sleep the night before is most important. Test scores can be greatly affected when a child hasn’t gotten enough rest. Test Day: A good breakfast the morning of the test is a terrific brain booster. Nutrients help to stimulate the brain. from

11 Go Over The Material thru Practice Tests

12 What To Do With This Info?
Use the paper you were given to find out what standards you need the most work on. Check the ones you missed then place a star next to the ones that are tested the most.

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