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New Parent Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "New Parent Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Parent Orientation

2 On Line Website information:
Within the ‘Members” area: Username: Troop761 Password: BePrepared Tour of website ID Troop list

3 Uniforms Class ‘A’ uniform includes: Class ‘B’ uniform includes: Shirt
Slide Neckerchief Pants Socks Sash Class ‘B’ uniform includes: Troop T-shirt

4 Who provides what? Troop provides: Parents provide:
One Troop number patch (761) One Troop neckerchief One Boy Scout neckerchief slide Two green epaulet loops for the shoulders One Class ‘B’ uniform troop T-shirt Parents provide: Class ‘A’ Shirt Pants Guide Book Name tag (optional) Hat (optional)

5 Patches Patches parents need to supply: World Crest Emblem
Mike Tucker Patches parents need to supply: World Crest Emblem Council Shoulder Patch Name plate (optional – ordered through the troop) Where can I purchase the supplies? Leesburg Hobby & Collectibles BSA Scout Shops

6 Patch and emblem locations
Patch and emblem locations. This can also be found in the Scout handbook.

7 Joining Scouts Parent: Adult Application Yearly Dues
Youth Protection Training (online) Scout: Scout Application Yearly Dues Youth Protection Training (in book)

8 Scouts Organization Chart Scout Master and ASM’s (uniformed)
Patrols – Each assigned two ASM’s Troop 761 Committee (non uniformed members) Scout Master and ASM’s (uniformed) Parents and family members

9 Volunteering - Many hands make light work
Scout Parent ASM Committee Member parents and family can always help the Committee and ASM's in all kinds of ways, either on an as-needed/available basis or on an ongoing basis, in any capacity, etc. (I love the "Stone Soup" idea - everyone bring what you have to offer!) BUS DRIVER

10 Troop 761 Jobs Other jobs: Advancement coordinator (1)
Fundraising Coordinator [Vacant] (1 or several) Bus Drivers [Vacancies] (several preferred) Merit Badge Counselors [Vacancies] (many) Board of Review Members [Vacancies] (many) Assistant Scoutmasters (many) parents and family can always help the Committee and ASM's in all kinds of ways, either on an as-needed/available basis or on an ongoing basis, in any capacity, etc. (I love the "Stone Soup" idea - everyone bring what you have to offer!) BUS DRIVER 10

11 “Boy Led – Adult Guided”
Support High Low Too Little Support Scouts “falling through the cracks”; Patrols don’t have direction, etc. Balanced Support “Boy Led – Adult Guided” Supporting the Scouts at the right level for each individual – some need more, some need less Too Much Support Adults are “running the show”, Scouts are not Leading; Adults are overly involved – too much hand’s on the "right balance" is going to look slightly different for everyone... so let's not argue about the middle-ground, and let's just avoid the extremes...

12 Rank Advancement Scout gets sign offs from a first class scout (or higher rank) After achieving all sign offs for that rank, the Scout makes an appointment and attends a Scout Master conference After passing the Scout Master conference, the scout makes an appointment and attends a Board of Review New rank achieved – awarded at next Court of Honor

13 Merit Badges and Rank Scout Tenderfoot Second Class First Class
The first four Scout Ranks - Scout, Tender Foot, Second Class and First Class, do not require any Merit Badges. While any Scout can work on any merit badge at any time, it may be best to focus first on completing these rank requirements.

14 Required Merit Badges Rank Badges Req. Eagle Required Scouts Choice
Total Scout Tenderfoot Second Class First Class Star 6 4 2 Life 5 3 11 Eagle 10 21

15 Merit Badges Choose a Merit Badge
Get a Blue Card from the Scout Master, and have him sign it Contact and secure a Merit Badge Counselor for that particular merit badge Complete the requirements Merit Badge Counselor will sign the completed Blue Card. Merit Badges Alex Stuck will show his book. Keep the Blue Card in your binder - you must present at your Board of Review. You must have a signed blue card in order to begin working on the Merit Badge requirements.

16 Camping Outings and reservations Buddy System Electronic devices Food
Equipment Personal Troop provided Have Mr. Forscht speak to this

17 Money Adult application $16 Yearly Scout Application $100 (prorated)
Scout Insurance Uniform Nametag (optional) $3 One time Camping Pay as you go By event Activities

18 Table of Differences Item Cub Scouts Boy Scouts Get badges
Once a month at the pack meeting Once a quarter at a Court of Honor Leadership Parents – Den/Pack Boys – Patrol/Troop Advancement Yearly As accomplished Earn Badges With parent sign off With 1st class scout sign off Equipment You purchase everything Troop has most everything Camping All are invited Boy led – not family camping Rank Advancement Automatic Nobody ushering you through

19 1st Year Program Need content from Brian
Need copy of Brian’s picture to insert Have him speak to this

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