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Flooding Interventions Part of PhD research:

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1 Flooding Interventions Part of PhD research: how international NGOs worked with national stakeholders [ Improving multi-stakeholder governance of disaster risk reduction] 10 developing countries with Concern worldwide to document work, visiting field sites “the notion of ‘community resilience’ risks reproducing a sense of ‘responsibility without power’– whereby marginalized urban dwellers are expected to generate mechanisms of self-reliance to cope with unjust dynamics they cannot affect” – Beatrice De Carli, 2016

2 How did disaster risk reduction ‘go bad’ in Freetown?
Need for ‘practicality’ and effective use of resources (government, NGOs) Need to discourage dependency (government) Need to maintain voting block (government) Need to maintain country presence (NGOs) Piecemeal, uncoordinated, interventions (government, NGOs) Need to survive (slum dwellers) Risk reduction maintains the status quo. Risk reduction facilitates risk creation. Lack of Beyond ‘self resilience’ these processes 1. maintain the status quo .2 facilitate risk creation Risk creation: abandonment

3 Recommendations Improve processes for coordinating risk management
Approach risk reduction from a rights based perspective Shift from disaster risk reduction to preventing disaster risk creation Further reading Clark-Ginsberg, A. (2017). Participatory risk network analysis: A tool for disaster reduction practitioners. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 21,   Clark-Ginsberg, A., & Hunt, D. (2017). We Are Human Too! Concern Worldwide's Efforts to Reduce Risks for the Homeless Migrants of Dhaka, Bangladesh. In L. Guadagno, M. Fuhrer, & J. Twigg (Eds.), Migrants in Disaster Risk Reduction: Practices for Inclusion. International Organization for Migration and Council of Europe. Clark-Ginsberg A., Aguirre B., Birkland T., Browne, K., Cutter, S.L., Oliver-Smith, A., Perrow, C., and Wisner, B. (2017). Urban challenges and opportunities for FEMA during the Trump administration. Available: FEMA_during_the_Trump_administration Clark-Ginsberg, A. (2015). Concern's approach to disaster risk reduction - urban contexts. Available: _urban_contexts.pdf Clark-Ginsberg, A., & Hunt, D. (2015). Disaster risk reduction for community resilience: a synthesis of lessons from more than a decade of disaster risk reduction programming. Available: Positive in focus, negative in outcome

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