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Support and oppose questions

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1 Support and oppose questions

2 Today we will… Success Criteria
To successfully answer a support and oppose question To effectively contribute as part of a group Success Criteria I can answer a support and oppose question whilst working as part of a group I can peer assess another groups source question, whilst consulting the SQA marking scheme.

3 Support and Oppose… In Modern Studies you will be asked to provide evidence (from sources) which supports a viewpoint and also which opposes the same viewpoint. What do we mean by support? What do we mean by oppose?

4 Supporting and Opposing
In this type of question you are required to come to agree and disagree with a stated opinion based on the evidence in the sources. What you should not do is simply repeat what the sources tell you.- try and use evaluative language when linking sources together or ‘synthesising’ sources. You should be using evaluative terminology throughout your answer. Use the specimen question for this

5 Read the question and assign colours to support and oppose.
Step by Step Guide Read the question and assign colours to support and oppose. Read the sources, highlighting info as you go. Write two paragraphs SUPPORTING the statement- 4 pieces of evidence. Write two paragraphs OPPOSING the statement-4 pieces of evidence. Write one more paragraph either SUPPORTING/ OPPOSING the statement- 2 pieces of evidence. Ensure you have used EVALUATIVE language in all 5 paragraphs. If in doubt, write another paragraph for ANY side.

6 Marking: 2 support paragraphs- 4 pieces of evidence- try and synthesise and link evidence together!! (4 marks) 2 oppose paragraphs= 4 pieces of evidence- try and synthesise and link evidence together!!! 1 oppose/supporting paragraph- 2 pieces of evidence- must be linked and synthesised. (2 marks) If you cannot link evidence together for the last paragraph then please try and at least state 2 which oppose or 2 that support. You will just not state “this is supported by…” Only do this as a last resort!!!

7 Look at the question: Firstly, what does the statement suggest?
Secondly, know that there will ALWAYS be evidence to support and to oppose the statement in every question, no matter the topic.

8 Step 1: Analyse the evidence
Use COLOUR 1 and highlight all of the supporting evidence and then go back to source 1 and start highlighting all of the opposing evidence in COLOUR 2. If you are not sure if a piece of evidence supports or opposes the viewpoint then DO NOT highlight it- some of this information will be context.

9 How to write your answer
1. Tell marker wither supporting or opposing statement One reason to support Morag’s statement can be found in Source 2 which highlights that the % of House of Lords under 60 has decreased from 22% to 16% yet almost ¾ of the population (77%) are under 60, highlighting under representation of under 60s. This is backed up by Source 3 that shows that 2 peers are under the age of 40 but more than ten times that number are over the age of 90. 2. NAME SOUCRES 3. Use of evaluative language to back-up point 4. Clear link to 2nd piece of evidence- synthesis!!! ( 2 marks)

10 How to write your answer Clear link to 2nd piece of evidence
Tell marker wither supporting or opposing statement Morag’s statement can be opposed however as, Source 1 highlights that many Lords bring great experience and expertise to Parliament in the field of medicine, law, business and science and this is supported by Source 3 which states that the House of Lords can be useful when opposing bills in the House of Parliament. Source 3 also highlights that House of Lords can play a valuable role in scrutinising and revising legislation. NAME SOUCRES Clear link to 2nd piece of evidence Use of evaluative language to back-up point 3 marks

11 Key Evaluative Terms: Increase/Decrease Risen/fallen Dropped/spiked Majority/minority Positive/negative Steadily/slowly/quickly Balanced/equal Unbalanced/unequal Continuous/continual Poor/strong/weak Significant/insignificant Largest/biggest/smallest

12 Then you will attempt a source question alone which I will mark.
Group task Once you have finished this, we will be peer assessing each others work as a group using the SQA marking scheme. Then you will attempt a source question alone which I will mark. As a group build your answer. You may wish to delegate certain paragraphs to specific people. Remember we are looking for 2 support/2 oppose and either an additional support or oppose paragraph. Sort through your evidence individually- you all individually have a copy of the source question. All of you should be highlighting the same information. As a group- link the evidence together into support and oppose. Start writing your paragraphs on blank paper- designate each person at the table with a role- Remember to use full sentences and evaluative language. Once you have all finished and everyone is happy with your paragraphs/ evidence used- glue this in order onto the A3 paper on your table. Put all group members names on the back of the poster.

13 Peer marking 2 support paragraphs- 4 pieces of evidence- try and synthesise and link evidence together!! (4 marks) 2 oppose paragraphs= 4 pieces of evidence- try and synthesise and link evidence together!!! 1 oppose/supporting paragraph- 2 pieces of evidence- must be linked and synthesised.(2 marks) If 10 pieces of evidence are quoted without a topic sentence or without stating for example “source 1 supports the view of Morag Watt that’s the “House of Lords is in need of reform” when it is stated…..”……”. Then award NO marks!!

14 Marking: 2 support paragraphs- 4 pieces of evidence- try and synthesise and link evidence together!! (4 marks) 2 oppose paragraphs= 4 pieces of evidence- try and synthesise and link evidence together!!! 1 oppose/supporting paragraph- 2 pieces of evidence- must be linked and synthesised. (2 marks)

15 Support: One reason to support Morag Watts statement “the house of Lords is in need of reform” can be found in source 2 which states “the % of HoL under 60 years old, has decreased from 22% to 16%, yet 77% of the population is under 60.” This shows a lack of representation in this age bracket. This can be linked to source 3 as this shows there are “2 peers under the age of 40, yet ten times that number are over the age of 90”. Again, showing a lack of representation as the “average age of the UK population is 40 years old” (source 2)

16 Support- Another reason to support Morags Watt’s view can be found in source 1 which states that “there are currently 790 members of the House of Lords, non of whom are directly elected by the public.” This can be linked to source 3 which states “that it can be argued the House of Lords is an unelected chamber and undemocratic and in need of reform…”

17 Support- Any of these points- written in the correct way will also gain marks:
Source 2- “women, ethnic minorities and disabled are underrepresented.” Source 2- “No. of privately educated Lords is 50% which is disproportionate to the UK population of 7%”. Source 3- Lord Tyler states the House of Lords was “Londons best day centre for the elderly…”

18 Oppose: One reason to oppose the view of Morag Watt that the “House of Lords is in need of reform” can be found in source 1 which states “Lords bring great experience and expertise to Parliament in the field of medicine, law, business and science.” This can be linked to source 3 which states “the House of Lords can be useful when opposing bills in the house of Parliament.” Source 3 further develops this point stating that “the House of Lords can play a valuable role in scrutinising and revising legislation.”

19 Oppose: Another reason which opposes the view of Morag Watt that the “House of Lords is in need of reform” can be found in source 1 which states that the Lord speaker is female- Baroness D’souza”. This can be linked to source 2 which shows the representation of females in the House of Lords has “increased from 7% in 1995 to 25% in 2015.”

20 Oppose: Another reason to oppose the view of Morag Watt, can be found in source 1 which states “Since 2000, 36% of newly appointed members have been women, 21% have been from ethnic minority backgrounds and 10% have been disabled. This can be linked to source 2 which shows the “% increase of members from these 3 groups. Stating, disabled members has increased by 9% as well as, the number of members from ethnic minorities rising from less than 1% in 1995 to 5% in 2015.”

21 Oppose: Any of these points- written in the a full sentence will also gain marks:
Source 2- “In 1995 there were 7% women in the Lords, today about 25% are women.” Source 3- “Lack of enthusiasm for change from both houses as well as the British public.” Source 1- “1995 over ½ the members were hereditary peers whereas by 2016 approximately 90% are life peers.”

22 Independently attempt a support & oppose question
To be completed for hwork by the 1st of October

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