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Journal Do/Now Explain what propaganda is and give me an example.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Do/Now Explain what propaganda is and give me an example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Do/Now Explain what propaganda is and give me an example.

2 WWI: Fighting the War! Aim: Under what conditions were soldiers in WWI forced to fight?

3 Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (Review!)
The assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Francis Ferdinand, was the spark that started WWI. F. Ferdinand was killed in Serbia, which caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. Russia, allied with Serbia, then declared war on Austria. Germany, allied with Austria Hungary, then declared war on Russia and its ally France. Then…well…you get the point.

4 The Balkans in 1914

5 Archduke Franz Ferdinand & His Family

6 The Assassination: Sarajevo

7 The Assassin: Gavrilo Princip

8 Who’s To Blame?

9 I. Fighting WWI World War I was a particularly brutal and bloody war.
At no other point in the history of the world had industry been so powerfully applied to warfare. The result was a massive loss of human life.

10 WWI was a “Total War” In a total war, the countries involved totally mobilize (call to action) all their available forces at home and abroad. More people were involved in this war than in any previous conflict in world history! Total war often does not differentiate between civilians and soldiers so there are many civilian casualties. Countries wage the most destructive war possible *swabat 2

11 The Schlieffen Plan Knock out the West before they are ready then speed to the East

12 A Multi-Front War

13 WWI was a “War of Attrition”
A military strategy accepting heavy casualties Trying to win a war simply by outlasting your opponents You fight and refuse to give un until your opponents run out of supplies, soldiers, and the will to fight In a war of attrition the side with the most resources (people, food, arms, financing, etc) usually wins. *SWABAT 3

14 French Renault Tank

15 British Tank at Ypres

16 “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917
The Airplane “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917

17 Curtis-Martin U. S. Aircraft Plant



20 The Zeppelin

21 Flame Throwers Grenade Launchers

22 Poison Gas Machine Gun


24 II. Western Front During WWI ( ) - Allied and German forces fought bloody, long battles to gain territory along Germany’s western border, or the Western Front. To protect themselves form the constant barrage of automatic gunfire and artillery, each side dug a series of trenches that extended for over 475 miles from Switzerland to the North Sea. The rival trenches were typically about 250 yards apart although at some places trenches were so close that a soldier could practically touch his enemy.

25 Americans in the Trenches



28 III. No Mans Land The space between the trenches was referred to as “no mans land”. It was typically gutted by bombs, crossed by tons of barbed wire, and dotted with land mines. Trench warfare consisted of long artillery bombardments followed by charges by infantrymen across no man’s land toward enemy lines.



31 IV. TRENCH LIFE! Between battles, soldiers lived in rear trenches in dugouts, tiny rooms sunk into the earth. Life in the trenches was dangerous, boring, and terrifying. Soldiers endured a seemingly endless cycle of disease, mud, fear, hunger, and death. Those who survived the trenches were often profoundly traumatized by the experience.



34 9,000,000 Dead

35 The Somme American Cemetary, France
116,516 Americans Died


37 World War I Casualties




41 V. Propaganda Propaganda: information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view. All sides during WWI used propaganda to prepare their nations for war.

42 Examine the Advertisement below
What is trying to be sold? What messages do you see that are effective at selling the product?

43 Objectives of War Time Propaganda
Recruitment of Soldiers Financing the war effort Eliminating dissent and unifying the country Conservation of resources Participation in home-front organizations

44 Tools Used in Wartime Propaganda
Demonization Emotional Appeals Name Calling Patriotic Appeals Half Truths or Lies Catchy Slogans Evocative Visual Symbols Humor or Caricatures.

45 German Atrocities in Belgium

46 Recruitment Posters

47 Recruits of the Central Powers
A German Soldier Says Farewell to His Mother Austro-Hungarians

48 New French Recruits



51 Munitions Workers

52 Working in the Fields







59 Australian Poster

60 American Poster

61 Financing the War

62 German Poster


64 Modern Propaganda

65 Chris rulez!!

66 Activity Analyzing WWI propaganda!

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