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CELL TRANSPORT Cell membrane is semipermeable- allows certain things in, keeps certain things out Some molecules can pass right through small spaces in.

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Presentation on theme: "CELL TRANSPORT Cell membrane is semipermeable- allows certain things in, keeps certain things out Some molecules can pass right through small spaces in."— Presentation transcript:

1 CELL TRANSPORT Cell membrane is semipermeable- allows certain things in, keeps certain things out Some molecules can pass right through small spaces in membrane= DIFFUSION- high concentration to low concentration Achieves equilibrium

2 OSMOSIS Diffusion of water across membrane= osmosis
Cells must maintain certain concentration of water- water in cell creates osmotic pressure Concentration of molecules (salts, sugars, ions) outside of cell usually = to inside Thus- water moves in at the same rate it moves out

3 Osmotic Environments Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic

4 OSMOSIS Isotonic- ISO- same
Concentration of solutes is = in and out of cell Cell maintains regular shape

5 OSMOSIS Good for plant cells- creates turgor pressure
If concentration of solutes in the cell is greater than outside, then the outside is HYPOTONIC to the cell Cell will swell as water rushes in Think 1.) Hypo- under, or low (solution has lower amount of particles) 2.) HypOtonic Good for plant cells- creates turgor pressure

6 OSMOSIS If concentration of solutes in the cell is less than outside, then the outside solution is HYPERTONIC to the cell Cell will shrink because water rushes out Think- HYPER= greater (solution has greater amount of particles) Bad for plant cells- cells become PLASMOLYZED

7 OSMOSIS Water always travels from the hypotonic area to the hypertonic area Hypo  Hyper H2O

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