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EC Monday Meeting Report July 14, 2008 Denver, Colorado, USA

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1 EC Monday Meeting Report July 14, 2008 Denver, Colorado, USA
Robert F. Heile

2 Monday EC Meeting-Denver
July 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Denver draft approved by the SAB in June Motion to return WG to normal operation passed Motion to return 802 EC to normal operation passed Paul Nikolich is running for the BOG and would like our support Robert F. Heile

3 Monday EC Meeting-Denver
July 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Denver Motion to recommend the withdrawal of standards passed Task Force Discussion Items- SA Strategic Plan, Ombudsman feedback, Attendance Tool Get 802 program—4.2 million program to date, 240k year to date, , 802.3, , and are top hitters. Program is returning to the six month waiting period. Will be cleaned up by July but the potential for continued areas of disagreement still exist Robert F. Heile

4 Monday EC Meeting-Denver
July 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Denver BoG working on a Strategic Program which will include specific unit goals including SA On line training plugging along with around 60 course completions per year. Staff Liaison Report—IEEE SA will send regular reminders to the WG Chairs seeking potential drafts that might be stable enough for sale Robert F. Heile

5 Monday EC Meeting-Denver
July 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Denver Treasurer’s Report—1417 attended MCO, Session surplus of $139K. Denver Session attendance looks to be around Expect around a $100K surplus Current cash position is around $1M Passed the 2007 audit cleanly Robert F. Heile

6 Monday EC Meeting-Denver
July 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Denver ISO/JTC1/SC6 update- New methodology for joint standards activity. IEEE can now submit directly to JTC1 Under the ISO/IEEE PSDO cooperation agreement for fast track treatment Some continuing disagreement on the published format of the standards relating to participants list IEEE Standards now fully recognized by ISO and JTC1 standards Current 802 P&P can be found on 802 web site. Main task now is separation of current P&P into an Ops Manual and a Baseline P&P. Robert F. Heile

7 Monday EC Meeting-Denver
July 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Denver AudCom developing baseline P&P for WGs-draft available on AudCom site. Will forward a link Non North American Venue Update (meeting Weds ). Plenary host guidelines sent out with a request for Letters of Intent by March 1. Interest received from Huawei, Nortel, Alvarlon, and University of Twente to be hosts Kraemer and Marks attended that last IMT-Advanced meeting in Dubai and will report on that at 18 during AM2 Tuesday. Next meeting in Seoul in October Robert F. Heile

8 Monday EC Meeting-Denver
July 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Denver Meeting RFP process has resulted in three finalists. Decision will be made on Friday at the closing EC Four nNA venues under evaluation for March 2011 and March 2012 and one for July 2013. Network Services Contract under discussion. Will be submitted for final approval in November Need to declare your affiliations or loose your voting status. Robert F. Heile

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