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Welcome Moderator Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Moderator Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Moderator Training

2 Moderator Timeline First and foremost: Register as a volunteer on the conference website, if you have not yet done so! By February 28th- Contact speaker or both speakers using the & phone # provided – edit appropriately Ask speaker to bring presentation on PC compatible USB drive (unless they have pre-arranged to bring their own MAC)   Make sure they know when and where they are speaking, and how to get to the Bell Memorial Union Setup a meeting place on the day of so that you can easily find them and assure they get to their presentation location on time Remind speakers to Register for the conference & RSVP for the private speaker reception Ask if they need directions and parking information Verify that they have a maximum of two speakers only (does not apply to student group panels, they can exceed 2) G Parking Spots are available with purchase of a day pass. Parking is also available downtown at a meter. Be sure to let them know parking is limited and to get here early.

3 Before Session Be sure to dress professionally, as you would for an interview You and your speaker must both check in at registration when arriving at the conference – at least 30 minutes before your session Help your speaker find their room and download their presentation to the desktop PC in the room Find out if they plan on using internet or showing videos during their presentation and let us know, we do not guarantee Wi-Fi connection and prefer they don’t use web-based platforms Do not rely on the internet! You may want to arrange to meet your speaker for our Continental Breakfast in the BMU Auditorium (8:00-10:00) so you have time to meet your speaker in person before the presentation to get to know them Ask how to address them in your introduction, i.e., Dr., Professor, Mr., etc. Discuss hand signals you will use to help the session run on time Find out if your speaker would like help with their Q&A, or if they would like to do one at all. When you arrive to your room, locate the room packet on the clipboard that will be waiting for you.

4 Room Packet Media Waiver: have speakers sign if they have not already done so, add presentation, time and speaker name legibly, leave in packet Moderator Survey: complete towards end of presentation, provides important information to our planning team Emergency & technical contact phone #’s Conference schedule Special Session Signs: Session Canceled Session full – if your session fills up, recommend alternatives using the schedule provided for excess flow, put sign up on the pin holder outside the room No photography & power down cell phones Put completed survey and waiver forms back in packet and leave packet in room where you found it for the next session moderator.

5 Equipment Jonathan Wallingford from the BMU Tech Staff – AS Conference Services is attending to go over technical details for the room. You will be provided with an AV Tech Troubleshooting Guide during training to help with any technical issues you may encounter EDU Roam Guest Login Turning the computer and projector on IF it is off when you arrive How to load the speaker’s presentation to the desk top Using the equipment and clicker Projector power save Do NOT allow speaker to set up their own equipment in any rooms EXCEPT 312 & 314. They must use PC & projector provided in the room. If you are assigned to this room, please be sure the Thunderbolt Connector is left in the room. Make sure clicker is left in the room or we will be charged for replacement!

6 Rules & Enforcement Moderators are responsible for maintaining control of the room during the presentation in order to avoid being cited by the Fire Marshal, reprimanded by building management, or face other penalties relating to speaker presentation privacy rules. Wristbands: All participants entering should be wearing a color-coded wristband unless they are a speaker, (name badges). Room capacity: If there are 35 chairs, 35 is the capacity! No sitting or standing around the room or we will be cited!! Photography & Recording - Unless the photographer is wearing a press badge issued by TWTS, photography is prohibited. You need to enforce this unless it is the speaker recording his own. If so, notify TWTS Lead Michal Hanson. Late Arrivals: Once the presentation has started and you’ve made introductions, keep late arrivals from entering if possible. It is rude to the presenter and participants to continue to be interrupted by the noise of the door. Handouts: As a sustainability conference, and to avoid marketing pushes to our participants, we strongly discourage handouts during presentations. No food or drink in rooms. Power Down Cell Phones!

7 During session Be sure to keep track of the amount of people attending your session so that you don’t exceed the room capacity (the number of chairs is set to capacity) no one should be sitting on the floor, or standing except you and the speaker Make sure you start and end your session on time. Sessions run differently so check the schedule for the start and end times of each. Stand near the back of the room, or at the door if capacity becomes an issue. No one should be taking photo or video unless they were pre-approved by conference management in advance. Notify conference staff using the phone number contact list in the room packet if any issues arise during the presentation. Have fun! This conference is a fun and educational event! Be present during your presentation and don’t forget to enjoy yourself, while being professional!

8 At the end of the session
Be sure the speaker gets their flash drive back! Sessions will be deleted from the laptops at the end of each day. Don’t shut down the computer Remind guests to remove any trash Put your moderator survey back into the room envelope with any waivers you’ve collected Get the room set up for the next moderator and speaker Be courteous! Do not leave the room a mess after your session is done Thank your speaker for coming and ask if they need anything else from you before you leave. Keep their business card for future connections!

9 What happens next? Now that we are done with the conference: A thank you card or would be a great way to show they were appreciated and a great way to give them your contact information for future opportunities Remember that this is a great opportunity to gain future connections! Watch for post-conference surveys to complete after the conference. Your input helps us plan for next year! Keynote Tom Newmark speaking at This Way to Sustainability conference XII Thank you for joining us for this year’s This Way to Sustainability Conference

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