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Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300
Cold War Leaders Cold War Abroad Truman Eisenhower Red Scare $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 What policy did Truman adopt to fight communism?
$100 Question from Truman What policy did Truman adopt to fight communism?

3 $100 Answer from Truman Containment

4 $200 Question from Truman Truman based a lot of his policy decisions regarding the Soviet Union on this document:

5 $200 Answer from Truman Long Telegram

6 $300 Question from Truman This was a program that offered $13 billion in financial aid to all European nations

7 $300 Answer from Truman Marshall Plan

8 $400 Question from Truman Truman and Joseph Stalin met to work out a deal on Germany at what conference?

9 $400 Answer from Truman Potsdam

10 $500 Question from Truman What did Truman establish in early 1947 to screen all federal employees?

11 Loyalty Review Program
$500 Answer from Truman Loyalty Review Program

12 $100 Question from Eisenhower
Eisenhower believed the best way to prevent war was to threaten nuclear attack, known as

13 $100 Answer from Eisenhower
Massive Retaliation

14 $200 Question from Eisenhower
Because nuclear attack could not prevent revolutions within countries, Eisenhower used _______ to prevent communist takeover

15 $200 Answer from Eisenhower
Covert Operations

16 $300 Question from Eisenhower
What event created a difficult political situation for Eisenhower with Khrushchev going into the Paris summit?

17 $300 Answer from Eisenhower
U-2 spy plane shot down

18 $400 Question from Eisenhower
The Eisenhower Doctrine extended Truman’s Doctrine of aiding those fighting communism to what region?

19 $400 Answer from Eisenhower
Middle East

20 $500 Question from Eisenhower
Name three examples of Eisenhower’s policy of threatening nuclear attack being successful

21 $500 Answer from Eisenhower
Suez Canal Korean War Taiwan Crisis

22 $100 Question from Red Scare
The idea of making vague and unfounded charges against people became known as

23 $100 Answer from Red Scare McCarthyism

24 $200 Question from Red Scare
What couple was convicted of Espionage and sentenced to death in 1953

25 $200 Answer from Red Scare Rosenbergs

26 $300 Question from Red Scare
What bill did congress pass that essentially made it illegal to practice communism

27 (Internal Security Act)
$300 Answer from Red Scare McCarran Act (Internal Security Act)

28 $400 Question from Red Scare
What did congress establish to investigate communist activities in the US

29 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
$400 Answer from Red Scare House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

30 $500 Question from Red Scare
What was the project called that cracked over 3000 coded soviet messages

31 $500 Answer from Red Scare Project Venona

32 $100 Question from Cold War Leaders
He is the one that said, “An Iron Curtain has descended upon all of Europe.”

33 $100 Question from Cold War Leaders
Winston Churchill

34 $200 Question from Cold War Leaders
One of the big three, this leader violated many of the agreements he made at Yalta

35 $200 Answer from Cold War Leaders
Joseph Stalin

36 $300 Question from Cold War Leaders
He was fired by Truman for insubordination when he publicly criticized the President for his Korean War policies

37 $300 Answer from Cold War Leaders
Gen. MacArthur

38 $400 Question from Cold War Leaders
He took over for Stalin after his death

39 $400 Answer from Cold War Leaders
Nikita Khrushchev

40 $500 Question from Cold War Leaders
Leader of the Chinese Communist Revolt

41 $500 Answer from Cold War Leaders
Mao Zedong

42 $100 Question from Cold War Abroad
This was the name of the first satellite launched into space, a Soviet satellite

43 $100 Answer from Cold War Abroad

44 $200 Question from Cold War Abroad
This city was divided between the Soviets and Allies after WWII, which fed Cold War tensions

45 $200 Answer from Cold War Abroad

46 $300 Question from Cold War Abroad
What island did the communist Chinese threaten to seize in 1954

47 $300 Answer from Cold War Abroad

48 $400 Question from Cold War Abroad
There were three separate alliances formed around the world to provide a mutual defense. Name all three

49 $400 Answer from Cold War Abroad
NATO Warsaw Pact SEATO

50 $500 Question from Cold War Abroad
Identify three of the countries that the Soviet Union created as satellite nations

51 $500 Answer from Cold War Abroad
Poland, East Germany Czechoslovakia, Hungary Romania, Bulgaria, Yugo

52 Identify the four Causes of the Cold War that we discussed in class
Final Jeopardy Identify the four Causes of the Cold War that we discussed in class

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Divided Germany Liberating Europe
Disagreement over Poland Ideological Differences

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