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WARM UP – MAY 10 On a sheet of paper:

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1 WARM UP – MAY 10 On a sheet of paper: Write a contextualization for each of the following prompts Collapse of Roman Empire due to Germanic Invasion Spread of Islam into Northern Africa Soviet Union obtaining Satellite Nations during the Cold War

2 On the same sheet of paper – what outside evidence could be used for each of the following prompts:
Collapse of Roman Empire due to Germanic Invasion Spread of Islam into Northern Africa Soviet Union obtaining Satellite Nations during the Cold War

3 On the same post it – create a synthesis for each of the following prompts:
Collapse of Roman Empire due to Germanic Invasion Spread of Islam into Northern Africa Soviet Union obtaining Satellite Nations during the Cold War

4 DBQ INTRODUCTION Thesis – simplify, 1-2 sentences – use the causes described in the documents “While many historians feel that the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the primary cause of World War I, the war actually began because of increased militarization, the formation of alliances, and the aggressive actions of Germany.” To save on time, We are no longer going to mention the documents in the intro Contextualization – what is going on at this time (2 – 3 sentences) “Industrialization in Europe led many European nations to look for resources in India and Africa. The “Scramble for Africa” led to increased militarization and nationalism as nations attempted to expand their empires and gain resources. This eventually led to increased competition and tensions amongst the different European powers.”

5 DBQ INTRO While many historians feel that the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the primary cause of World War I, the war actually began because of increased militarization, the formation of alliances, and the aggressive actions of Germany. Industrialization in Europe led many European nations to look for resources in India and Africa. The “Scramble for Africa” led to increased militarization and nationalism as nations attempted to expand their empires and gain resources. This eventually led to increased competition and tensions amongst the different European powers.

6 GROUPING PARAGRAPHS First sentence states the grouping and the reason for grouping them. “Documents 1 and 6 discuss militarism as a cause for the war.” DO NOT describe what is in the document – unnecessary – go directly into relating the document to the question. Document 1 illustrates how countries such as Great Britain, France, Russia and Germany were all increasing the amount of money spent building up their militaries. Countries were mobilizing to go to war. This is supported by the statement made by Sidney Bradshaw Fay (Doc 6) when he states that all countries were mobilizing and getting ready to go to war. Increased military spending made the war inevitable.

7 GROUPING PARAGRAPHS Outside Evidence or Additional Document- needs to bring in outside evidence that can support your argument – you can mention an additional document but its not necessary – you need to be specific with the information you provide “An additional document that would be beneficial would be a primary source document from a statement made by Otto Von Bismarck, the chancellor of Germany. Bismarck believed that military conquest was essential for the expansion of Germany. Bismarck’s “Blood and iron” serves as an example of how European nations were building up their militaries as a way of expanding their empires. This would eventual lead to conflict and war.”

8 GROUPING PARAGRAPH Documents 1 and 6 discuss militarism as a cause for the war. Document 1 illustrates how countries such as Great Britain, France, Russia and Germany were all increasing the amount of money spent building up their militaries. Countries were mobilizing to go to war. This is supported by the statement made by Sidney Bradshaw Fay (Doc 6) when he states that all countries were mobilizing and getting ready to go to war. Increased military spending made the war inevitable. An additional document that would be beneficial would be a primary source document from a statement made by Otto Von Bismarck, the chancellor of Germany. Bismarck believed that military conquest was essential for the expansion of Germany. Bismarck’s “Blood and iron” serves as an example of how European nations were building up their militaries as a way of expanding their empires. This would eventual lead to conflict and war.

9 POINT OF VIEW Point of view – describing WHY the author is stating what they are stating Count Rantzau, whose purpose as a delegate of Germany at the Versailles Peace Conference (Doc 5) was to convince the other countries that Germany was not to blame for the war, illustrates that it was the the European nations need to retaliate and expand that caused the war, not Germany.

10 SYNTHESIS You can discuss how the question can be compared OR contrasted with a similar event The alliance system as a primary cause of World War I can be contrasted with the causes of World War II. Whereas in World War I, following the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, countries were brought into the war because of their alliances, World War II began as a result of one country’s attempt to expand and conquer other nations. Countries such as France, Britain and Russia joined World War II as a reaction to the aggressive actions of Adolf Hitler and Germany.

11 Long Essay Thesis – simply state your argument – pick one side to argue “The United States strategy of containment during the Cold War was successful.” Then present your evidence that you will use to support your argument – (pick 2-3 pieces of evidence to argue). Korean, Vietnam, Afghanistan Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Eisenhower Doctrine The United States attempt to contain communism led them to successfully institute their policy of containment in Korea and Vietnam as well as arming rebellions in countries occupied by the Russians such as Afghanistan. The United States was also able to achieve success by aiding countries under the threat of communism thru the use of the Truman and Eisenhower Doctrine as well as the Marshall Plan.

12 THESIS The United States strategy of containment during the Cold War was successful. The United States attempt to contain communism led them to successfully institute their policy of containment in Korea and Vietnam as well as arming rebellions in countries occupied by the Russians such as Afghanistan. The United States was also able to achieve success by aiding countries under the threat of communism thru the use of the Truman and Eisenhower Doctrine as well as the Marshall Plan.

13 HISTORICAL SKILL Now you want to simply go into the evidence you presented in more detail 2nd paragraph – go into detail about Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan (why the U.S. thought they should be involved, what happened (Why does it show U.S. is successful in containing communism) 3rd paragraph – go into detail about Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Eisenhower Doctrine (the purpose of each, where they were used, why they show that the U.S. was successful in containing communism)

14 SYNTHESIS Compare OR Contrast to a similar historical event
France and Britain - Appeasement before World War II U.S. neutrality before World War I or World War II (contrast U.S. containment and being involved in foreign affairs to when it wanted nothing to do with foreign affairs) Globalization – how the U.S. is now spreading its culture and influence contrasted with how it wanted to stop the spread of communism

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