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Restructuring the Postwar World HSCE 8.1.1Ch. 33 sec. 1

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1 Restructuring the Postwar World HSCE 8.1.1Ch. 33 sec. 1
Welcome to the Beginning of the Cold War *USA & USSR = Allies during WWII -USA – Loyal to England 1st -USSR- Wanted a 2nd Front – US declined --become heated enemies after WWII Cold War = 44 years of intense competition for political, economic and military dominance.

2 Restructuring the Postwar World HSCE 8.1.1Ch. 33 sec. 1
*Yalta Conference--- (2/4-2/11/1945 FDR, Churchill, Stalin meet to discuss what to do after Germany loses war. --agreed to divide Germ. into zones of occupation controlled by Allied military forces.

3 Restructuring the Postwar World HSCE 8.1.1Ch. 33 sec. 1
*Yalta Conference Continued--- --Germ. pays USSR for its loss of life & prop. --United Nations created---48 countries---based in N.Y. --11 member body called Security Council --5 permanent members of sec. council = U.S., USSR, France, Britain, China **Purpose = to protect its members against military aggression!


5 US Goals in Europe 1. Encourage democracy in other countries
2. Gain access to raw materials & mrkts. to fuel huge, growing industries 3. Rebuild Euro govts. to promote stability & create new markets for U.S. goods 4. Reunite Germ. to stabilize it & increase the security of Europe

6 USSR Goals in Europe 1. Encourage communism in other countries as a worldwide workers’ revolution 2. Rebuild it war torn economy using E. Europe industrial equip. & raw materials 3. Control E. Europe to protect Soviet borders & balance the U.S. influence in W. Europe 4. Keep Germany divided to prevent them from waging war again.

7 Iron Curtain *USSR lacks natural western border—fears another attack from the West --Soviets pushed AH all the way back to Germany --occupied those countries of Eastern Europe **Stalin regarded these countries as a buffer—wall of protection against Germany --He ignores Yalta Conference & puts in communist governments in E. European countries --Stalin & Western nations divide Germany = East & West *Containment---foreign policy adopted by Harry S Truman --directed at blocking Soviet influence and stopping the expansion of communism


9 *Truman Doctrine---Truman’s support for countries that resisted communism---goes totally against the idea of U.S. isolationism!! *Marshall Plan---Most of W. Europe is in ruins after the war --scarcity of food and jobs --George Marshall (Sec. of State)---has idea to give money to needy nations in Europe--$12.5 billion to help Europe --plan was successful---helped countries NOT fall into communist hands

10 *Berlin Airlift--- Stalin held West Berlin hostage after Br., Fr. & U.S. got out --Stalin wanted West Germ. to give up idea of unifying --we flew in food & supplies for 11 months to help W. Germany --eventually, Stalin admits defeat and ends the blockage.

11 Between the US & Soviet Union
Cold War Between the US & Soviet Union --North Atlantic Treaty Organization---NATO---U.S., Canada, & 10 other countries---defensive military alliance---attack on one is an attack on all…. 4 April 1949 --Warsaw Pact---USSR, E. Germany, Czech., Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania—joined in response to NATO *India & China stay out. 14 May 1955




15 *New threat to the world….nuclear warfare
--U.S. & Soviets each had nukes by 1953 --each capable of annihilating the other *Brinkmanship---a willingness to go to the brink, or edge, of war --required reliable source of nukes & planes to deliver them….all this lead to a HUGE arms race. *Sputnik---Soviet satellite that was launched into space---By intercontinental ballistic missile **Americans freak out!!!! We can’t have the Soviets be better than us! leads to Space Race!!!

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