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Increasing HLP capacity in the shelter sector Neil Brighton Global Manager Shelter and Settlements, NRC Leeanne Marshall Shelter Advisor, Australian.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing HLP capacity in the shelter sector Neil Brighton Global Manager Shelter and Settlements, NRC Leeanne Marshall Shelter Advisor, Australian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing HLP capacity in the shelter sector Neil Brighton Global Manager Shelter and Settlements, NRC Leeanne Marshall Shelter Advisor, Australian Red Cross

2 Increasing HLP capacity in the shelter sector
Recognizing the importance of HLP in shelter GSC Due Diligence guidelines in 2013 ECHO Shelter and settlement guidelines Inclusion of Security of Tenure in Sphere revision HLP in GSC Strategy for Ongoing support for guidance and training STSO guidelines and training materials HLP mapping and preparedness workshops Dedicated capacity –new GSC Roving HLP Advisor, Ibere Lopes (hosted by IOM, funded by NRC/ECHO) – South Sudan, Nigeria, DRC, Vanuatu

3 Security of Tenure in the Sphere Handbook

4 Sphere: quick overview…
“People can live in their homes without fear of forced eviction” – RtAH It’s about security of tenure, not ownership What is “secure enough” for the purposes of designing shelter options Incremental– or step by step – approach by using due diligence NRC is keen to support agencies in operationalizing the new standard

5 Securing Tenure in Shelter Operations training materials

6 STSO: mapping the context
Mapping the arrangements and identifying gaps Mapping is undertaken for a specific context Shelter and ICLA colleagues undertake the exercise together, also undertake for WG or Cluster Can lead to ‘software’ (e.g. MPC) responses in addition to ‘hardware’ Legal contract Occupancy agreement Community meeting MoU Handshake Verbal permission Municipal agreement Ownership deed Enumeration MORE secure LESS secure LESS efficient MORE efficient Women’s HLP and inheritance Populations at risk of eviction given settlement type and arrangement

7 STSO: incremental approach
The case of CAR… How many instruments could be adapted? Legal contract Occupancy agreement Community meeting MoU Handshake Verbal permission Municipal agreement Ownership deed Enumeration MORE secure LESS secure LESS efficient MORE efficient

8 Securing tenure in urban areas

9 HLP preparedness: country mapping

10 HLP preparedness: country level mapping
Country level mapping of Housing, Land and Property laws (both statutory and customary) Intention to inform both programming and emergency responses + advocacy tool with Governments and others to highlight areas of inequity Completed research memos and fact sheets: Cook Islands, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea (to be completed Timor Leste, Nepal) Private sector partnership with in country support and advice.

11 HLP preparedness: mapping next steps
Country level preparedness workshops (working with local governments/organisations including development actors) to identify potential issues and ways to practically include in contingency planning and country level strategies HLP training module (including simulations) Sharing of information (now available on GSC website Use as a starting point for assessments/ analysis in post crisis Opportunity for advocacy and awareness raising at multiple levels in peacetime (working with National/ Local governments and communities)

12 Next steps… Sphere launch Awareness raising
Trainings and webinars (TBC) Putting guidelines and profiles into practice NRC STSO trainings for operational partners GSC Roving HLP Advisor country support HLP preparedness workshops eLearning resources Increased capacity and coordination in 2019


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