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Presentation on theme: "RONALD REAGAN President"— Presentation transcript:

1 RONALD REAGAN President 1980-1988
His major goal was to reduce the size of the Federal government by cutting programs Was known as the “Great Communicator” Vowed to never negotiate with terrorist Credited with restoring pride in America

2 Reaganomics “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” Supply Side Economics Cut all taxes. “Trickle Down.” Cut Taxes Cut Inflation Continued Deregulation

3 Social Conservatism The Moral Majority Anti-abortion
Defender of School prayer. Supported by “Televangelists”.

4 Large Deficit Resurgence of Conservatism rejection of ’60s radicalism Conservative: A person who believes governments power, particularly in the economy, should be limited in order to maxize indivual freedom.

5 End of The Cold War Reagan spent billions on Defense to bring the Soviets to the negotiation table Reagan uses SDI ( Strategic Defense Initiative) to break the back of the Soviet Union SDI- was started to create the technology to protect the US from the Soviet missiles

6 Within a few years the Soviet Union (USSR)would collapse and cease to exist

7 Civil Wars in Central America
US moves to stop communism in Latin America Invades Grenada to crush a communist uprising Gives aid to El Salvador and Nicaraguan freedom fighters (Contras) to fight against communism

8 Iran-Contra Scandal A Congressional investigation into unlawful conduct by the Office of the President 7 American hostages were being held in Lebanon by Muslim extremist CIA secretly sells weapons to Iran to release the hostages and uses profits to support Contras (rival, opposing) in their fight against communism in Central America The major problem here is the U.S. was supporting Iraq during the war.

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