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Complex methods in clustering and classification

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Presentation on theme: "Complex methods in clustering and classification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Complex methods in clustering and classification
Techniques for the future Worth “keep-trying”; But No convincing evidence of dominant performance, globally or locally Simplicity/complexity is crucial

2 Review Linkage : Eisen et al , Alon et al K-mean : Tavazoein et al
Self-organizing map : Tamayo et al SVD : Holter et al; Alter, Brown, Botstein Support vector machine (classification)

3 Finding Gene clusters K-mean versus self-organization map
how to fine-tune user-specified parameters-need some theoretical guidance What is a cluster ? Criteria needed normal mixture, (hidden) indicator PLAID model ( Statistica Sinica 2002, Lazzeroni, Owen) Gene shaving (Hastie, Tibshirani, et. al) PCA plot, projection pursuit, grand tour Y-guided clustering (SIR/PHD, under investigation) MDS( bi-plot forcategorical responses, showing both cases (genes) and variables(different clustering methods), displaying results from many different clustering procedures)

4 Seriation and row-column sorting
Hierarchical clustering Others Generalized association plot (Chen 2001) Sharp boundaries may be artifacts due to “clever” permutation

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