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Our Mission is to find the best place to build a nuclear power plant in (name your country) based on ……………. By Omar Jimenez , Sekani Stevens , Israel.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Mission is to find the best place to build a nuclear power plant in (name your country) based on ……………. By Omar Jimenez , Sekani Stevens , Israel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Mission is to find the best place to build a nuclear power plant in (name your country) based on ……………. By Omar Jimenez , Sekani Stevens , Israel Garr , and Yanis Kukulakis

2 Earthquake Affecting Alaska
On March 27 , 1964 , at 5:36 pm ADT (3:36 3/28 UTC) a great earthquake of magnitude 9.2 (magnitude) occurred in Prince William Sound region of Alaska. CAUSE The northwestward motion of the Pacific Plate at about 5 to 7 cm per year causes the crust of southern Alaska to be compressed and other warped , with some areas along the coast being depressed and other areas island being uplifted.

3 This picture is trying to say that Alaska has the most dangerous earthquakes of all time . Also it is saying all the earthquakes and when it happen.

4 Tsunami Affecting Alaska
Tsunami attacks in Alaska is so dangerous and big , it looks like it would destroy the world . The biggest Tsunami’s are I Alaska . The tallest wave in Alaska Tsunami can go up too 1720 feet high .The tsunamis can go up to 500 miles per hour . Also I think it goes fast as a plane or it can be faster than it . All the Alaska tsunamis happened in and 1964.But the biggest one was on July 9, Over 35,000 people died.


6 Tectonic Plates Affecting Alaska
Alaska is the most tectonically active region in the United States . We experience more than half of all earthquakes recorded in North America each year . This is due to the state’s unique location on the northern rim of the Pacific Basin . At the northwest corner of the North America , Alaska is situated at the receiving end of the Pacific Plate as it slides laterally past northwest North American Plate situated at the receiving end of the Pacific Plate .


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