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Female Genital Mutilation and safeguarding: how health professionals can make a difference 12th December 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Female Genital Mutilation and safeguarding: how health professionals can make a difference 12th December 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Female Genital Mutilation and safeguarding: how health professionals can make a difference
12th December 2017

2 Welcome How we run this session
Jennifer Bourne FGM Prevention Project Manager Trish Dyter FGM Prevention Programme Officer 12th December 2017

3 Content Recap professional responsibilities including the FGM Act
Explain Mandatory Reporting Duty Help and advice on conversations and what to ask Introduce the FGM Risk Indication System

4 Assumed understanding
Understand what FGM is Physical and psychological health consequences Global and UK prevalence

5 Legislation in England
Child abuse Serious Crime Act 2015 Habitual residency Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 Offence of failing to protect a girl from FGM Up to 14 years imprisonment Provides lifelong anonymity for victims Anyone involved in taking a girl outside of the U.K. to have FGM carried out FGM protection order Mandatory reporting duty

6 Mandatory Reporting Duty
Duty applies to all regulated professionals, health, social care and teachers Phone the police non-emergency crime number, 101, if a girl under 18 you treat Tells you she has had FGM Has signs which appear to show she has had FGM. When? As soon as possible; normally by close of the next working day; discuss with your local safeguarding lead. If FGM has been done very recently then should be referred to Social Care and Police via immediately & without delay


8 FGM & Safeguarding Need to safeguard girls over a long period of time
Risk can, and may change Harder to maintain professional awareness when periods of risk are unknown / difficult to predict Risk can be identified in pregnancy if there is an immediate family history of FGM Challenges identified in ‘remembering’ potential risk / family history ALL pregnant women are asked about FGM at booking

9 FGM Risk Indication System
New national safeguarding system for sharing information about FGM Smartcard access via role based access codes Shares information about immediate family history of FGM Introducing across 50 maternity units in England before end of March 2018 Also need to integrate systems to make sure it can be shared/seen where needed / where the girl goes

10 FGM RIS - Information Sharing
Systematically shares information, securely, with healthcare professionals who come into contact with a girl as she grows up. Alerts other health professionals treating the girl that she is at potential risk of FGM Prompts professionals to consider any safeguarding actions

11 Safeguarding against FGM
A family history of FGM is potentially risk Ask directly and with confidence Always carry out risk assessment to help decide what steps to take - using local or DH Safeguarding Guidance Talk to your local Safeguarding Lead Document all actions in the records - section ‘Safeguarding women and girls’

12 Safeguarding against FGM
Suggested ways of asking the question:- Have you heard of FGM? Do you know what it means? Has it been done to you? May need to explore further – be aware of different terms e.g. sunna or ‘being closed’ Be aware, this may be the first time they have been asked about their experiences and may trigger distress They may not remember having had FGM if performed at a very young age Be supportive to their repsonse

13 Safeguarding against FGM contd
Carry our Risk/Safeguarding assessment Are there other SG concerns? Document information and actions in healthcare records Ensure Enhanced Data collection is completed Explain law in the U.K. Explain health complications of FGM Share information with GP & HV/SN Add information to the FGM RIS

14 Safeguarding in context
FGM may be discovered by chance (e.g. when placing a urinary catheter, carrying out a smear test) May be disclosed by woman/child Clinical presentation trigger (such as repeated UTIs, severe menstrual pain, infertility, PTSD, depression etc)

15 FGM Safeguarding Guidance

16 Structure within the guidance
Pregnant woman with FGM (or recently given birth) Non-pregnant adult woman with FGM Child/young adult under 18 may be at risk of FGM Child/young adult under 18 with signs/symptoms which may be FGM Level of Risk? > Action?

17 Consider: child u18 has had FGM
Action: Mandatory Reporting Duty Discuss with SG lead Refer to police on 101 Document actions taken If very recently undergone FGM, urgent referral to police and social care.

18 What might prompt you to consider FGM?
Girl has difficulty walking, sitting or standing Girl presents to GP or A & E with frequent urine, menstrual or stomach problems Long absence from school Girl appears withdrawn, depressed, or has had significant change in behaviour Girl avoids P.E./spends long time in bathroom/toilet away from classroom Child talks about pain or discomfort between her legs

19 Paediatric examination appointment following referral
To assess, confirm and diagnose the Type of FGM for child to see a specialist counsellor if appropriate (N.B. Police & Social Care will investigate when & where the FGM took place) Consider referral to specialist paediatric unit at UCLH or a local service

20 What might prompt you to consider?
Parents or child are discussing going abroad for a prolonged period Family not engaging with health services Girl not allowed to attend Sex and Relationship education Girl confides that she is to have a special coming-of-age party/ceremony A sister or other female relative is found to have had FGM Family already known to social care

21 What action will you take?
If at imminent risk of harm URGENT REFERRAL TO POLICE & SOCIAL CARE Some risk identified – further action or assessment required but not an urgent/emergency referral REFERRAL TO SOCIAL CARE Relevant information learnt but no need to refer RECORD information and decision SHARE information – GP/HV/SN, social care Add indicator on FGM RIS system to maintain safeguarding considerations for girl RECORD in healthcare record

22 What might prompt you to consider that girl is at risk of FGM?
Does husband or other family elder support practice Do family have knowledge of the law and health consequences of FGM Have other children in family had FGM Is woman attending appointments / engaging with professionals Is she requesting reinfibulation after birth Is she a vulnerable adult

23 What action will you take?
If risk to u18 identified, previous considerations If over 18, no one identified as being at risk of FGM, so no need to take action under safeguarding responsibilities NO REFERRAL REQUIRED unless patient wants support to report to police RECORD information and decision SHARE with GPs in line with information sharing

24 To summarise FGM is child abuse Ask questions and have confidence
Remember to consider other safeguarding concerns Do I need to make a police report under the mandatory reporting duty? Use the FGM RIS to share information Do I need to seek help from my local safeguarding lead or other professional support before making a decision? Update your client/patient’s notes/share information appropriately

25 Questions ?

26 Other webinars About… the FGM RIS
Communicating about FGM as a service / organisation FGM and mental health The FGM enhanced dataset Book online at NHS England website:

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