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Charm Semileptonic decays with BaBar

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1 Charm Semileptonic decays with BaBar
Alessia D’Orazio pos-doc LAL Arantza Oyanguren IFIC Valencia Patrick Roudeau LAL Justine Serrano phD LAL João Costa phD LAL

2 Charm semileptonic decays
Introduction Several measurements need precise Lattice calculations of hadronic effects in weak interactions (fB, Bk, ξ ... ) Large effort from Lattice community to improve computation methods lead to a better accuracy Need to be validated Charm semileptonic decays Vcs, Vcd Measurement of form factors Techniques validated in the charm sector can then be used in the B sector to improve the accuracy on CKM parameters determination

3 Charm Semileptonic Decays also provide other important informations:
ex: phase shifts between different orbital states in 4-body sl. decays (Dl4) ex: mass of the hadronic system in 4-body sl. decays (Dl4): DKπlν, DsKKlν, (in particular, 0+ states) J/K*(892)0 K+- (BES, hep-ex/ ) ex: determination of chiral theory parameters, determination of the strange quark mass

4 future! future! future! future! We want to: finished! in progress!
Measure the q2 variation of various form factors entering in Cabibbo allowed & supressed semileptonic decays finishing! future! in progress! Measure channels with two hadrons in the final state, in order to study low mass K-π, K-K & π-π systems, in particular from S-waves future! future! Perform correponding measurements of charmed baryons for semileptonic decays ( only produced at B-factories) future!

5 Charm Production at BaBar
Large cross section Large integrated luminosity cc ~1.3 nb Large data sample available at Babar 400 fb-1 (typically 0.5M evts with BR=1%, ε =10%) fragmentation (D, Ds,Λc,…) main challenge : background control

6 Analysis method Analysis basis: - Untagged analyses:
bb - cc Untagged analyses:  large statistics  some background From continuum events  use event shape variables to remove BB’s  use event topology and kinematical variables to reduce the charm background Kinematical fit to extract the q2=(pl+pn)2= (pXc-pXq)2  input missing energy in the event and D direction estimates Different fit methods to extract the form factor(s) Data control samples: test the efficiency reconstruction, resolution, control on systematics ...

7 after the fit with 2 constraints: mD* and mD
Decay characterisics ● DKen: Mass difference distribution q2 distribution Peaking cc =46% Non-peaking cc= 31% BB= 21% 75 fb-1 q2 =(pD-pK)2 after the fit with 2 constraints: mD* and mD dm (GeV/c2) dm =m(K-l+np+)-m(K-l+n) after the fit with 1 constraint on mD 85000 events (13% bkg)

8 Results experiment stat mpole(GeV/c2) αpole ● DKen: preliminary
CLEO-c 281 pb-1 1.97±0.02±0.01 0.21±0.04±0.03 FOCUS 13k evts 1.93±0.05±0.03 0.28±0.08±0.07 Belle 282 fb-1 1.82±0.04±0.03 0.52±0.08±0.06 BaBar 75 fb-1 1.884±0.012±0.015 0.38±0.02±0.03 preliminary PRL94 (05) PRL97 (06) arXiv:  same accuracy as CLEO-c  Pole mass below mD*s (=2.112 GeV), we exclude the simple pole mass model  α measurement lower than lattice QCD value: α =0.50  0.04 PRL94 (05) Disagreement between values from BaBar and CLEO-c  has to be clarified !

9 ● DKen: Similar distributions for f+(q2) between BaBar and Cleo-c
Disagreement non noticiable if regarding this plot

10 Results (Relative to D  Kp) ● DKen: Other models:
ISGW2 aI= ± ± GeV-2 Disagreement with predicted value We exclude this model aI= GeV-2 a1/a0 = -2.5 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 t  q2 Taylor expansion a2/a0 = 2 ± 6 ± 4  One parameter is enough to describe the FF shape (Relative to D  Kp) Branching fraction: = (3.522 ± ± 0.045±0.065 )% Lattice: f+(0)= 0.73 ± 0.03 ± 0.07

11 phD of Justine Serrano ● Dseν: Preliminary results
 75 fb-1 (1/5 of the total data)    K+K- reconstruction (no  reconstruction from Ds*Ds) ● Data  signal  BB  cc peaking  cc non-peaking  uds  26% of background (13000 signal evts)  The Ds en decay rate depends on 4 variables: q2,  v , l ,  and 2 form factor ratios rv and r2 A1(q2), A2(q2), and V(q2) shapes:  Pole form factors  More sophisticated (B&K based)  Fajfer and Kamenic, PRD72(05)

12 Preliminary results ● Dseν: phD of Justine Serrano
● Data  fit result  BB  cc  uds ● Data  fit result  BB  cc  uds  Fit in 4D, using pole form factor shapes: with MA=2.5GeV and MV =2.1 GeV r2 = ± ± 0.029 rV = ± ± 0.038 hep-ex/ phD of Justine Serrano

13 r2 rv Soon: Determine A1(0) Publish a paper ● Dseν:
Preliminary results r2 rv  Similar accuracy as D K*ln  Letting free the axial pole mass in the fit : r2 = ± ± 0.096 rV = ± ± 0.068 MA= ± GeV/c2 +0.54 -0.34 Soon: Determine A1(0) Publish a paper phD of Justine Serrano

14 Measurement of form factors according to BK model
● Dπen:  230 fb-1 (1/2 of the total data)  60 % of background(~10000 signal events) Measurement of form factors according to BK model

15 Results expected soon with very competitive precision in α,
● Dπen: Competition 0.37 Δα=0.05 (stat) we expect to control systematics up to the same level as the stat. errors Results expected soon with very competitive precision in α, B pln ~17% of B→ pln evts dΓ/dw D pln w We also want to exploit the relation: w overlap to relate D and B form factors ( lattice people this information concerns you!)

16 { q2, cos(θv= θK) , cos(θl) , χ, mKπ }
● DKπen: 4 body decay → 5 variables { q2, cos(θv= θK) , cos(θl) , χ, mKπ } Channel dominated by K*0 ( JP = 1- ) decay mode 3 form factors (A1,A2,V)→(H+,H-,H0) B0-B0bar B+B- uds We can measure the form factors for the K*0(892), study the S-wave and try to give some limits for the D-wave bkg cc

17 ● DKπen: Now we are measuring the phase shift variation between S-P waves with mKπ Last measurement comes from LASS BABAR FOCUS generic MC signal generic MC data (bkg subtracted) + data ~14k signal events CLEO-C has 2.5k events  347 fb-1  33 % of background(~200k signal events)

18 F1= F1seiφs + F1peiφpcos(θK) F2= F2peiφp F3= F3peiφp
● DKπen: Analysis done using PW expansion F1= F1seiφs + F1peiφpcos(θK) F2= F2peiφp F3= F3peiφp (F1P,F2P,F3P)↔(H+,H-,H0)

19 To extract the phase shift we follow Pais & Treiman:
Interference terms Each Ii term has a different combination of angular variables dependence, they are orthogonal states To extract the phase shift we follow Pais & Treiman: Only one of these moments is non-zero for each one of these integrations

20 PRELIMINARY results for F1F2
● DKπen: PRELIMINARY results for F1F2 Sin(δs – δp) Cos(δs – δp) K*0(892) pole K*0(892) pole More tests needed More tests needed green dots represent result with 120% bkg blue dots represent results with 80% bkg

21 Conclusion Charm Semileptonic decays are an important testing ground for LQCD They also provide results for observables used in low energy effective theories We have results for the form factors of : and expect results soon for : Measurement more precise than Lattice Much more precise than previous experiments And there are still lots of interesting things to be done..

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