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Future apprenticeships and the apprenticeship reforms Practical issues and actions for Higher Education and experiences from early implementers.

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Presentation on theme: "Future apprenticeships and the apprenticeship reforms Practical issues and actions for Higher Education and experiences from early implementers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future apprenticeships and the apprenticeship reforms Practical issues and actions for Higher Education and experiences from early implementers

2 Workshop objectives Consider the main aspects of the apprenticeship reforms and implications for HE Help HEIs identify and begin to consider apprenticeship delivery issues Review some experiences from Further Education in implementing the reforms

3 Today’s team Mandy Crawford-Lee Breda Leyne Gerry Baker

4 SDN Team of specialists in the learning and skills sector
Support apprenticeship delivery and assessment nationally : Working with employer groups in creating new standards, including over fifty of the new assessment plans Resources and materials e.g. Future Apprenticeships toolkit: Bespoke briefings and events Advice and consultancy: strategy, planning implementation, delivery and quality improvement

5 The apprenticeship reforms

6 The new apprenticeship delivery model

7 Frameworks –v– Standards
Qualification-based framework, informed by employer feedback Extensive SASE-defined requirements Jargon-heavy NOS structure English & maths qualifications ERR and PLTS requirements Portfolio and qualification-dependent assessment methods Continuous on-programme assessment Knowledge and competence elements separately assessed Apprenticeship completion on achievement of qualifications Standards Outcome-based, employer-defined standard and assessment Small number of government criteria Plain English standard English and maths qualifications No ERR or PLTS requirements Employer-specified end-point synoptic assessment Graded apprenticeship achieved if fully competent at end of training Must meet professional/ trade body registration requirements

8 New apprenticeship roles

9 At least 20 more under development at Lv 5+

10 Level Standards Starts 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 60 4240
(as at 10/2016) 2 10 17% 1250 29% 3 25 42% 1500 35% 4 600 14% 5 3% 6 11 18% 860 20% 7 30 1% Total 60 4240 At least 20 more under development at Lv 5+ 95 Standards with published assessment plans without starts yet (6 at level 5+) – Could be lack of assessment organisations

11 10 Issues Working with current courses Is the demand there
HE White Paper Working with FE systems Re-organising and re-skilling Are there standards that match our offer Duration of the change needed The apprenticeship levy The impact of distance, online and blended Creating national solutions

12 In pairs / trios Ten minute discussion Choose your top three issues Be prepared for a straw-pool vote

13 Experiences from early adopters

14 working in partnership to help you start and grow your Higher and Degree apprenticeship offer
Workshop 1 - Entering the Higher and Degree Apprenticeship market London – January 2017 Workshop 2 - Growing your Higher and Degree Apprenticeship provision Bespoke support, consultancy and in-house events

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