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Climate Change Solutions: Energy Efficiency

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1 Climate Change Solutions: Energy Efficiency
Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health Climate & Health Solutions Conference April 10, 2018 Cassandra Kubes Senior Research Analyst, Health and Environment

2 The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) founded in We act as a catalyst to advance energy efficiency policies, programs, technologies, investments, & behaviors. Our research explores economic impacts, financing options, behavior changes, program design, and utility planning, as well as US national, state, & local policy. Our work is made possible by foundation funding, contracts, government grants, and conference revenue. @ACEEEdc

3 Energy Efficiency Improves Public Health
Energy efficiency is achieved when outdated practices and technologies are replaced with new, less wasteful approaches. Energy efficiency can improve public health by reducing pollution, and making people’s homes safer. By saving energy in buildings and making vehicles more fuel efficient, we burn less fossil fuel and reduce the pollutants they emit, resulting in substantial health benefits.

4 Health Effects of Fossil Fuel Pollutants

5 Source:

6 Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency
Protect health Improve safety and comfort Save money Create jobs and opportunity Protect the environment


8 Power Plant Equivalents Avoided from Energy Efficiency
Reduction of annual CO2 emissions by 490 million tons in 2015 Source:

9 IEA Global Energy Outlook Emissions Scenario

10 Saving Energy Is Cheaper than Making It

11 2018 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard
Based on 6 policy areas: Utility and public benefits programs and policies Transportation policies Building energy codes and compliance Combined heat and power (CHP) policies State government-led initiatives Appliance and equipment standards Source:

12 ACEEE Resources ACEEE Health and Environment Program homepage - ACEEE and PSR fact sheet: Energy Efficiency and Health - State and Utility Pollution Reduction Calculator, Version Saving Energy, Saving Lives: The Health Impacts of Avoiding Power Plant Pollution with Energy Efficiency – The Next Nexus: Exemplary Programs that Save Energy and Improve Health – Mission Attainment: Incorporating Pollution Reductions from Energy Efficiency in State Implementation Plans –April 2018

13 2018 Conference on Health, Environment and Energy
Hyatt Centric French Quarter, New Orleans, LA December 3-5, 2018 Call for Abstracts through April 13, Registration opens in July. Book your hotel room now!

14 Thank you Cassandra Kubes ACEEE

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